How to Use the Command 'pbmmask' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'pbmmask' (with Examples)

pbmmask is a command-line tool from the Netpbm library, which is a collection of graphics programs and utilities. The primary function of pbmmask is to create a mask bitmap from a regular bitmap. This mask can be used for various image processing tasks, such as distinguishing the foreground from the background in an image. The command is especially useful when needing to isolate certain parts of an image or to create transparency effects.

Use Case 1: Create a Mask Bitmap Separating Background from Foreground


pbmmask path/to/image.pbm > path/to/output.pbm


The intention behind this example is to generate a mask from a given image in Portable Bitmap (PBM) format. Masks are crucial in image processing workflows to distinguish between different regions within an image. For instance, in applications where the objective is to manipulate or analyze the foreground separate from the background, a mask bitmap is indispensable. It enables other processes, such as extracting features, applying filters, or overlaying images, to focus exclusively on the relevant areas.


  • pbmmask: This is the command being executed, which will process an input PBM image to produce a mask.
  • path/to/image.pbm: This specifies the input file path to the PBM image from which the mask will be created. The file needs to be in the Portable Bitmap format for the tool to process it.
  • >: This is a shell redirection operator. It is used to direct the output of the pbmmask command to a file rather than displaying it on the screen.
  • path/to/output.pbm: This is the file path where the resultant mask bitmap will be saved. The output file will also be in PBM format.

Example Output:

Suppose you have a PBM file of a simple black shape against a white background. Running the command will create a corresponding mask that highlights the black shape as the foreground with white pixels, while converting the actual background to black in the resultant PBM file. This way, any further operations using this mask will focus on the shape itself.

Use Case 2: Expand the Generated Mask by One Pixel


pbmmask -expand path/to/image.pbm > path/to/output.pbm


The ability to expand the mask by one pixel is particularly beneficial when the boundary separation between foreground and background is too close or indistinct. In scenarios involving edge detection, object recognition, or refining mask precision, expanding the mask helps provide a buffer zone around the detected objects. This expanded mask ensures that the edges of the foreground objects are more clearly defined and separated from the background, which can be crucial for tasks requiring subsequent image manipulation or analysis, such as compositing or resizing.


  • pbmmask: This represents the command that will create a mask from an input PBM image.
  • -expand: This option instructs the command to increase the size of the foreground area in the mask by one pixel in every direction. It effectively dilates the mask, making the foreground elements slightly larger.
  • path/to/image.pbm: Specifies the location of the input PBM file that you want to process.
  • >: As in the previous example, this redirection operator sends the output of the command to a file.
  • path/to/output.pbm: The output path for the expanded mask, also in PBM format.

Example Output:

Expanding the mask by one pixel means that the foreground shape identified from the input image will have an additional border of one pixel around its original perimeter in the output mask. If the input image had a straightforward object with closely located boundaries, the expanded mask will lead to a more prominent and well-distinguishable object shape, making it better suited for complex image processing tasks.


Using pbmmask, users can effectively create and manipulate mask bitmaps from input PBM images. This tool is essential for separating backgrounds from foreground objects, especially in contexts where precise image processing and manipulation are required. By understanding and utilizing the expansion feature, images with challenging object perimeters can be adjusted for more accurate processing outcomes.

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