How to use the command pbmtoascii (with examples)

How to use the command pbmtoascii (with examples)

The command pbmtoascii is a useful tool for converting PBM (Portable Bitmap) images to ASCII graphics. It provides various options for customizing the output and can be used in different ways depending on the desired result.

Use case 1: Convert a PBM file to ASCII output


pbmtoascii path/to/input_file.pbm

Motivation: This use case is suitable when you want to convert a PBM file to ASCII graphics and view the output directly in the terminal. It can be handy for quickly visualizing the image in an ASCII representation.


  • path/to/input_file.pbm is the path to the PBM file you want to convert to ASCII graphics.

Example output:

| .  | .  | .  | .  | .  | .  | .  | .  | .  | .  | .  | .  |
|    |    |    |    |  . |  . |  . |  . |  . |    |    |    |
|    |    |    |    |  . |  . |  . |  . |  . |    |    |    |

Use case 2: Save ASCII output to a file


pbmtoascii path/to/input_file.pbm > path/to/output_file

Motivation: In this use case, you can convert a PBM file to ASCII graphics and save the output into a file. This is useful when you want to generate a separate file containing the ASCII representation of the image for further use or sharing.


  • path/to/input_file.pbm is the path to the PBM file you want to convert to ASCII graphics.
  • path/to/output_file is the path where you want to save the ASCII output. Make sure the file path is writable.

Example output: The ASCII representation of the image will be saved into the specified path/to/output_file in the following format:

| .  | .  | .  | .  | .  | .  | .  | .  | .  | .  | .  | .  |
|    |    |    |    |  . |  . |  . |  . |  . |    |    |    |
|    |    |    |    |  . |  . |  . |  . |  . |    |    |    |

Use case 3: Set pixel mapping while reading a PBM file


pbmtoascii -1x2|2x4 path/to/input_file.pbm

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to customize the pixel mapping in the ASCII output. By changing the pixel mapping, you can control the aspect ratio of the ASCII image and adjust it to fit your desired display size.


  • -1x2|2x4 is an argument used to set the pixel mapping for the ASCII output. It can take either 1x2 or 2x4 as the option value. The default value is 1x2.
  • path/to/input_file.pbm is the path to the PBM file you want to convert to ASCII graphics.

Example output: The pixel mapping option will affect the aspect ratio of the ASCII output. For example, if -2x4 is specified, the ASCII image will have a wider aspect ratio:


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