How to use the command pbmtowbmp (with examples)

How to use the command pbmtowbmp (with examples)

pbmtowbmp is a command-line utility that allows users to convert PBM (Portable Bitmap) images to WBMP (Wireless Bitmap) files. WBMP files are specifically designed for wireless devices and are optimised for displaying black-and-white images on low-resolution screens.

Use case 1: Convert a PBM image to a WBMP file


pbmtowbmp path/to/input_file.pbm > path/to/output_file.wbmp

Motivation: Converting a PBM image to a WBMP file is useful when you need to display the image on a wireless device with a monochrome display, such as a feature phone or early smartphone. This conversion allows you to optimize the image for the device’s limited screen resolution and display capabilities.


  • pbmtowbmp: The command itself.
  • path/to/input_file.pbm: The path to the input PBM image file that you want to convert. Replace “path/to/input_file.pbm” with the actual file path on your system.
  • >: Redirect symbol that specifies the output should be written to a file.
  • path/to/output_file.wbmp: The path to the output WBMP file that will be created. Replace “path/to/output_file.wbmp” with the desired file path on your system.

Example output: The command will convert the input PBM image to a WBMP file and save it at the specified output file path. The resulting WBMP file will be optimized for wireless devices, meaning it will be in black and white and suitable for display on low-resolution screens.

Conclusion: The pbmtowbmp command provides a straightforward way to convert PBM images to WBMP files for wireless devices. This conversion helps ensure optimal display of images on devices with limited screen resolution and monochrome displays.

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