How to use the command pbmtoxbm (with examples)

How to use the command pbmtoxbm (with examples)

This article will explain how to use the command pbmtoxbm. pbmtoxbm is a command-line tool that allows you to convert Portable Bitmap (PBM) images to X11 or X10 bitmap images. It can be useful when you have an image in PBM format and need to convert it to a different format for use in X11 or X10 environments.

Use case 1: Convert a PPM image to a X11 XBM file


pbmtoxbm path/to/input_file.pbm > path/to/output_file.xbm

Motivation: The motivation behind this use case is to convert a PBM image to an X11 XBM file format. XBM is a format used for monochrome bitmaps in X11 environments. By converting a PPM image to XBM, you can use the resulting file in X11 applications.

Explanation: In this example, you need to provide the path to the input PBM file that you want to convert. You should replace path/to/input_file.pbm with the actual path to your input file. Then, you need to specify the path where the converted XBM file should be saved using the output redirection operator > followed by path/to/output_file.xbm. Replace path/to/output_file.xbm with the desired path for your output file.

Example output: After running the above command, the PBM image specified as the input will be converted to an X11 XBM file and saved at the specified output path.

Use case 2: Explicitly specify whether an X11 or X10 bitmap should be generated


pbmtoxbm -x11|x10 path/to/input_file.pbm > path/to/output_file.xbm

Motivation: Sometimes, you might need to explicitly specify whether an X11 or X10 bitmap should be generated. This can be useful if you have specific requirements for the bitmap format and need to ensure compatibility with a particular X environment.

Explanation: In this example, you have two options: -x11 and -x10. You can use either option to specify the desired bitmap format. Replace path/to/input_file.pbm with the actual path to your input file. Then, use the output redirection operator > followed by path/to/output_file.xbm to specify the path where the converted XBM file should be saved.

Example output: After running the command with either the -x11 or -x10 option, the input PBM image will be converted and saved as an X11 or X10 bitmap file, depending on the option you selected. The converted file will be saved at the specified output path.


The pbmtoxbm command is a versatile tool for converting PBM images to X11 or X10 bitmap files. Whether you need to convert a PPM image to an X11 XBM file or explicitly specify the bitmap format, pbmtoxbm provides a simple and efficient solution. By following the examples and explanations provided in this article, you can easily make use of this command and convert your PBM images to the desired bitmap format.

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