How to use the command pbmtoybm (with examples)

How to use the command pbmtoybm (with examples)

The command pbmtoybm is used to convert a PBM file to a Bennet Yee “face” file. The PBM format is a black and white image format, while the YBM format is a specialized format used by Bennet Yee’s “face” program.

Use case 1: Convert a PBM image file to YBM


pbmtoybm input_file.pbm > output_file.ybm

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to convert a PBM image file to the YBM format understood by Bennet Yee’s “face” program. This can be useful if you want to use the “face” program to manipulate or analyze the image further.


  • pbmtoybm: This is the command used to convert the PBM file to YBM.
  • input_file.pbm: This is the path to the input PBM file that you want to convert to YBM.
  • >: This is the output redirection operator, which directs the output of the command to a file instead of the terminal.
  • output_file.ybm: This is the path to the output YBM file where the converted image will be saved.

Example output: The command will read the input PBM file and convert it to the YBM format. The converted image will be saved in the specified output file.

Conclusion: The command pbmtoybm is a useful tool for converting PBM image files to the YBM format used by Bennet Yee’s “face” program. This can enable further manipulation and analysis of the images using the “face” program.

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