How to use the command pcxtoppm (with examples)

How to use the command pcxtoppm (with examples)

pcxtoppm is a command line tool that is used to convert PCX files to PPM images. It allows users to effortlessly convert PCX files into a different file format that is more widely supported. The tool also provides additional options to modify the output, such as using a predefined standard palette or printing detailed information about the PCX header.

Use case 1: Convert a PCX file to a PPM image


pcxtoppm path/to/file.pcx > path/to/file.ppm

Motivation: The motivation for using this feature is to convert a PCX file to a PPM image format. This may be necessary if the system or software you are using only supports PPM images or if you need to manipulate the image using tools that specifically work with the PPM format.

Explanation: The “pcxtoppm” command is used to convert the PCX file specified by “path/to/file.pcx” to a PPM image. The “>” symbol is used to redirect the output to a file specified by “path/to/file.ppm”.

Example output: If the command is successful, it will generate a PPM image file at the specified path.

Use case 2: Use a predefined standard palette even if the PCX file provides one


pcxtoppm -stdpalette path/to/file.pcx > path/to/file.ppm

Motivation: The motivation for using this feature is to ignore the palette provided by the PCX file and instead use a predefined standard palette. This can be useful if the PCX file has its own custom palette that may not be compatible with other applications or systems.

Explanation: The “-stdpalette” option tells the “pcxtoppm” command to use a predefined standard palette instead of the custom palette provided by the PCX file. The rest of the command follows the same structure as the previous use case.

Example output: The output will be the same as in the previous use case, but with the predefined standard palette instead of the custom palette provided by the PCX file.

Use case 3: Print information on the PCX header to stdout


pcxtoppm -verbose path/to/file.pcx > path/to/file.ppm

Motivation: The motivation for using this feature is to obtain detailed information about the PCX header. This can be helpful for debugging purposes or if you need to extract specific information from the PCX file before or after the conversion process.

Explanation: The “-verbose” option tells the “pcxtoppm” command to print detailed information about the PCX header to the standard output (stdout). The rest of the command follows the same structure as the previous use cases.

Example output: The command will print detailed information about the PCX header to the console. This information can include values such as image dimensions, color depth, compression type, and more.


The “pcxtoppm” command is a versatile tool for converting PCX files to PPM images. Whether you need to convert PCX files to a different format, use a predefined standard palette, or extract information about the PCX header, this command provides the necessary functionality. By following the provided examples and explanations, users can easily utilize these features to meet their specific needs.

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