How to use the command `pdfgrep` (with examples)

How to use the command `pdfgrep` (with examples)

pdfgrep is a command-line utility designed to search for text patterns within PDF files. It provides a convenient and efficient way to locate specific text across single or multiple PDF documents, allowing for options such as case-insensitive searches or recursive searches across directories. Whether you’re dealing with a single document or navigating through a library of PDFs, pdfgrep can help you quickly find the information you need.

Use case 1: Find lines that match a pattern in a PDF


pdfgrep pattern file.pdf


Imagine you have a lengthy PDF document, such as a detailed report or a technical manual, and you need to quickly locate every instance of a specific keyword or phrase. Using pdfgrep, you can search for this text across the entire document in seconds, saving the time it would take to manually scan through every page.


  • pdfgrep - This invokes the pdfgrep program.
  • pattern - This is the text pattern you are looking for within the PDF. It could be a single word or a more complex regular expression.
  • file.pdf - This specifies the file in which pdfgrep will search for the pattern. Replace file.pdf with the name of the PDF document you want to search.

Example output:

This is the line containing the pattern.
Another line with the pattern here.

Use case 2: Include file name and page number for each matched line


pdfgrep --with-filename --page-number pattern file.pdf


This use case is especially useful when you’re searching through multiple PDF files or need additional context for where the matched text is located. By including the file name and page number, you can easily navigate to the exact part of the document where your search term appears.


  • --with-filename - This option prints the name of the file where the match is found in front of each matching line. Useful when pdfgrep is used on multiple files.
  • --page-number – This adds the page number of each occurrence of the pattern, helping you quickly locate the hit within the PDF.
  • pattern - As before, this is the search term or phrase.
  • file.pdf - The name of the file you are searching.

Example output:

file.pdf:9: This is the matched line on page 9.
file.pdf:21: Another matched line on page 21.

Use case 3: Do a case-insensitive search for lines that begin with “foo” and return the first 3 matches


pdfgrep --max-count 3 --ignore-case '^foo' file.pdf


If you need to locate terms without regard to letter case, such as when searching for the beginning of sections or key points indicated by “foo,” this tool can be invaluable. When working through text where capitalization might vary, a case-insensitive search can prevent you from missing crucial results.


  • --max-count 3 – This limits the search to the first three matches found, which is useful when you only need a handful of examples rather than all instances.
  • --ignore-case – This makes the pattern search case-insensitive, recognizing “Foo,” “FOO,” or “foo” as the same term.
  • '^foo' – The caret ^ denotes lines that start with the term “foo.”
  • file.pdf – The file you are looking in for the specified pattern.

Example output:

This is the first instance of foo.
Here's another line starting with Foo.
And finally, a line beginning with FOO.

Use case 4: Find pattern in files with a .pdf extension in the current directory recursively


pdfgrep --recursive pattern


When you need to run a search across all PDF files within a directory and its subdirectories, a recursive search is essential. This can be particularly important within a directory that houses multiple documents, like a project folder, where understanding the breadth of a term’s usage is crucial.


  • --recursive – This option tells pdfgrep to search through directories and all their subdirectories for PDF files.
  • pattern - Represents the search term which will be looked for in all PDF files found during the recursive search.

Example output:

/path/to/dir/file1.pdf: This is a matching line from the first file.
/another/path/to/dir/file2.pdf: A match found in a second file.

Use case 5: Find pattern on files that match a specific glob in the current directory recursively


pdfgrep --recursive --include '*book.pdf' pattern


In scenarios where you have a combination of documents and only need to search PDFs with a specific naming scheme or format (such as those containing ‘book’ in the filename), targeting a precise group of files can be extremely beneficial. This helps streamline your workflow by filtering irrelevant documents.


  • --recursive – Ensures that the search traverses through all directories and their subdirectories.
  • --include '*book.pdf' – Restricts the search to files with names that match the given glob pattern. In this instance, only files with “book” in the name and a .pdf extension are included.
  • pattern - The pattern or text you are searching for within these specific PDF files.

Example output:

/path/to/dir/interestingbook.pdf: Found a match in "interestingbook".
/another/path/usefulbook.pdf: Another line containing pattern.


The pdfgrep tool is a powerful utility for quickly searching for patterns within PDF files. Its versatility allows users to conduct simple searches or employ advanced options like case-insensitivity, recursive directory scanning, and targeted file searches. By understanding how each use case can be applied, users can efficiently handle even the most complex PDF search scenarios.

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