How to use the command pdftk (with examples)

How to use the command pdftk (with examples)

The pdftk command is a PDF toolkit that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files. It is a versatile tool that can be used for tasks such as extracting pages, merging multiple PDF files, splitting pages into separate files, and rotating pages.

Use case 1: Extracting specific pages from a PDF file


pdftk input.pdf cat 1-3 5 6-10 output output.pdf

Motivation: You may want to extract specific pages from a PDF file and save them as a separate PDF file. This can be useful if you only need certain pages from a larger document.


  • input.pdf: Specifies the input PDF file from which the pages will be extracted.
  • cat: Short for “catenate”, this command instructs pdftk to concatenate the specified pages.
  • 1-3 5 6-10: Specifies the range of page numbers to be extracted. In this example, pages 1 to 3, page 5, and pages 6 to 10 will be included.
  • output output.pdf: Specifies the output file name for the extracted pages. In this case, the extracted pages will be saved as output.pdf.

Example output: The specified pages (1-3, 5, and 6-10) from the input.pdf file will be extracted and saved as output.pdf.

Use case 2: Merging multiple PDF files


pdftk file1.pdf file2.pdf ... cat output output.pdf

Motivation: You may have multiple PDF files that you want to combine into a single PDF file. This can be useful for organizing related documents or creating a comprehensive report.


  • file1.pdf file2.pdf ...: Specifies the input PDF files that will be merged together. You can specify as many files as needed, separated by a space.
  • cat: Short for “catenate”, this command instructs pdftk to concatenate the specified files.
  • output output.pdf: Specifies the output file name for the merged PDF. In this case, the merged PDF will be saved as output.pdf.

Example output: The contents of file1.pdf, file2.pdf, and any additional PDF files specified will be merged together and saved as output.pdf.

Use case 3: Splitting pages of a PDF file into separate files


pdftk input.pdf burst output out_%d.pdf

Motivation: You may want to split each page of a PDF file into individual files. This can be useful for further processing or organizing the pages individually.


  • input.pdf: Specifies the input PDF file that will be split.
  • burst: This command instructs pdftk to burst the PDF file into separate pages.
  • output out_%d.pdf: Specifies the output pattern for the separate pages. In this case, the pages will be saved as out_1.pdf, out_2.pdf, out_3.pdf, and so on, with %d representing the page number.

Example output: The input PDF file will be split into separate pages, and each page will be saved as a separate PDF file following the specified output pattern.

Use case 4: Rotating all pages of a PDF file


pdftk input.pdf cat 1-endsouth output output.pdf

Motivation: You may need to rotate all pages of a PDF file by a certain degree. This can be useful if the pages are oriented incorrectly or if you want to change the orientation of the entire document.


  • input.pdf: Specifies the input PDF file that will be rotated.
  • cat: This command instructs pdftk to concatenate the pages.
  • 1-endsouth: Specifies the page range to rotate. In this example, all pages from 1 to the end of the document will be rotated by 180 degrees clockwise.
  • output output.pdf: Specifies the output file name for the rotated PDF. In this case, the rotated PDF will be saved as output.pdf.

Example output: All pages of the input PDF file will be rotated by 180 degrees clockwise, and the resulting document will be saved as output.pdf.

Use case 5: Rotating specific pages of a PDF file


pdftk input.pdf cat 1-2 3east 4-end output output.pdf

Motivation: You may want to rotate specific pages of a PDF file while leaving others unchanged. This can be useful for correcting the orientation of individual pages within a document.


  • input.pdf: Specifies the input PDF file that will be rotated.
  • cat: This command instructs pdftk to concatenate the pages.
  • 1-2: Specifies the range of pages (1 and 2) that will not be rotated.
  • 3east: Specifies the page number (3) that will be rotated by 90 degrees clockwise.
  • 4-end: Specifies the range of pages (4 to the end of the document) that will not be rotated.
  • output output.pdf: Specifies the output file name for the rotated PDF. In this case, the rotated PDF will be saved as output.pdf.

Example output: Page 3 of the input PDF file will be rotated by 90 degrees clockwise, while pages 1, 2, and any remaining pages will remain unchanged. The resulting document will be saved as output.pdf.


The pdftk command is a powerful PDF toolkit that provides various capabilities for manipulating PDF files. Whether you need to extract specific pages, merge multiple files, split pages, or rotate pages, pdftk offers a versatile solution. By understanding and utilizing the different use cases illustrated above, you can effectively leverage pdftk to handle your PDF-related tasks.

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