How to use the command 'peco' (with examples)

How to use the command 'peco' (with examples)

peco is an interactive filtering tool that allows users to filter inputs interactively. It provides a way to quickly filter and select items from a list, making it a useful tool for various scenarios.

Use case 1: Start peco on all files in the specified directory


find path/to/directory -type f | peco

Motivation: Sometimes, when working with a large number of files in a directory, it becomes challenging to locate a specific file. By piping the output of the find command to peco, users can interactively search and select the desired file, improving the overall efficiency of file navigation.


  • find path/to/directory: This command lists all the files in the specified directory and its subdirectories.
  • -type f: This option specifies that only regular files should be listed.
  • | peco: The | character is the pipe symbol, which redirects the output of the find command into peco for interactive filtering.

Example output: When running the command find path/to/directory -type f | peco, peco will display an interactive list of files in the specified directory. Users can search for a file by typing a query, and peco will filter the list accordingly.

Use case 2: Start peco for running processes


ps aux | peco

Motivation: Often, when managing running processes, it can be challenging to quickly locate and select a specific process from a long list. By piping the output of the ps aux command to peco, users can interactively search and select the desired process, simplifying the process management workflow.


  • ps aux: This command lists all currently running processes.
  • | peco: The pipe symbol | redirects the output of the ps aux command into peco for interactive filtering.

Example output: When executing the command ps aux | peco, peco will display a filtered list of running processes. Users can search for a process by typing a query, and peco will update the list accordingly.

Use case 3: Start peco with a specified query


peco --query "query"

Motivation: In some cases, users may already know the query they want to search for, and there is no need to interactively type it. By specifying the query directly through the --query option, users can start peco with the desired input pre-filled.


  • --query "query": This option allows users to specify a predefined query for peco.

Example output: Executing the command peco --query "example" will start peco with the query “example” already filled in. The interactive list will display items matching the specified query.


The peco command is a powerful interactive filtering tool that greatly simplifies tasks that involve interactive search and selection. Whether it’s filtering files in a directory, managing running processes, or starting with a specific query, peco enhances efficiency by making it easier to locate and select desired items. By leveraging its capabilities, users can streamline their workflows and improve productivity.

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