How to use the command "pfetch" (with examples)

How to use the command "pfetch" (with examples)

The “pfetch” command is used to display system information in the form of ASCII art and various fields. It provides a visually appealing and concise way of viewing important system details.

Use case 1: Display the ASCII art and default fields



Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to quickly view basic system information along with a visually pleasing ASCII art representation of your system.

Explanation: This command doesn’t require any additional arguments or environment variables. It simply runs the “pfetch” command without any modifications.

Example output:

 `-/oshhs/:-.````        `./ossssssssssssyyyyyyo:---`
`/-....--`       `::.` ``  ./osyhhhyyyyyyyyys+-`
                  `sNms.                          .-----:/:-.
                   sMMm.                        26-..-oo../N/
                   sMMm.                 `-/++/.:ss-     :-`
                   sMMm.        `:/++/:-:/oysssoosys-     :-`
                   sMMm.    `.:+oyyssssssyysso+:.sys-     :-`
                   sMMm.-/oyssssso+:-.:oysso+.  `sys-.....:-`
                   sMMmhyssooosys-   -- .so:      /N
                   sMMm.   `.-/sys.  `  --        /N
                   sMMm.       -dNo``             /N
                   sMMm.       -dNo``             /N
                   sMMm.       -dNo``             /N
                   sMMm.       -dNo``             /N
                   +MMd`       -dMy`              sM+
                   `o/`        .o/.               .+:

Use case 2: Display only the ASCII art and color palette fields


PF_INFO="ascii palette" pfetch

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to view just the ASCII art and the color palette used by “pfetch”. It provides a quick way to view the available colors.

Explanation: By setting the environment variable PF_INFO to “ascii palette”, we instruct “pfetch” to display only the ASCII art and the color palette fields. This option enables us to see the available colors and the corresponding ANSI escape codes used in the ASCII art.

Example output:

 `-/oshhs/:-.````        `./osssssss

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