How to use the command pg_dumpall (with examples)

How to use the command pg_dumpall (with examples)

The pg_dumpall command is used to extract an entire PostgreSQL database cluster, including all databases, into a script file or other archive file. It provides a convenient way to backup or transfer all databases within a PostgreSQL cluster.

Use case 1: Dump all databases

pg_dumpall > path/to/file.sql

Motivation: Dumping all databases is useful when you want to create a backup of the entire PostgreSQL cluster. This ensures that all databases are backed up simultaneously.

Explanation: The command pg_dumpall is used to extract all databases within the PostgreSQL cluster. The output is then redirected to a file (path/to/file.sql in this example) using the > operator.

Example output: The databases are dumped into the specified file (path/to/file.sql), which can be used to restore the entire cluster.

Use case 2: Dump all databases using a specific username

pg_dumpall --username=username > path/to/file.sql

Motivation: Dumping all databases using a specific username is helpful when you want to perform the backup operation as a specific user with the necessary privileges.

Explanation: The --username (or -U) option specifies the username to use when connecting to the PostgreSQL cluster. By providing a specific username, you can ensure that the backup operation is performed with the correct privileges.

Example output: The databases are dumped into the specified file (path/to/file.sql) with the specified username, ensuring the backup is performed with the correct privileges.

Use case 3: Same as above, customize host and port

pg_dumpall -h host -p port > output_file.sql

Motivation: Customizing the host and port is useful when you want to perform the backup operation on a remote PostgreSQL cluster or a specific port.

Explanation: The -h option specifies the hostname or IP address of the PostgreSQL server to connect to, and the -p option specifies the port number. By customizing these values, you can connect to a remote PostgreSQL cluster or a different port on the local machine.

Example output: The databases are dumped into the specified file (output_file.sql) after connecting to the PostgreSQL cluster at the specified host and port.

Use case 4: Dump all databases into a custom-format archive file with moderate compression

pg_dumpall -Fc > output_file.dump

Motivation: Dumping all databases into a custom-format archive file with compression is useful when you want to create a compressed backup file that can be used for efficient storage or transfer.

Explanation: The -Fc option specifies that the backup should use the custom-format archive format. This format allows for more advanced options, such as compression. By default, the backup is compressed using moderate compression.

Example output: The databases are dumped into the specified file (output_file.dump) using the custom-format archive format with moderate compression.

Use case 5: Dump only database data into an SQL-script file

pg_dumpall --data-only > path/to/file.sql

Motivation: Dumping only database data is useful when you want to create a backup of the data without including the schema or data definitions.

Explanation: The --data-only option specifies that only the data should be dumped, excluding the schema or data definitions. This can be helpful when you only need the data for backup or transfer purposes.

Example output: The database data is dumped into the specified file (path/to/file.sql) without including the schema or data definitions.

Use case 6: Dump only schema (data definitions) into an SQL-script file

pg_dumpall -s > output_file.sql

Motivation: Dumping only the schema is useful when you want to create a backup of the database structure without including the data.

Explanation: The -s option specifies that only the schema (data definitions) should be dumped, excluding the data. This can be helpful when you only need the database structure for backup or transfer purposes.

Example output: The database schema (data definitions) are dumped into the specified file (output_file.sql) without including the data.


The pg_dumpall command provides a versatile way to backup or transfer an entire PostgreSQL database cluster. By using the various options and arguments, you can customize the backup process to suit your specific needs, whether it’s capturing all databases, specific users, customizing the host and port, or selecting the desired components to dump.

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