How to use the command pgmbentley (with examples)

How to use the command pgmbentley (with examples)

The pgmbentley command is used to apply the Bentley Effect on a PGM (Portable Graymap) image. This effect adds a unique visual style to the image by altering its pixel intensities. The resulting image will have a visually striking appearance resembling the artwork of David Bentley, hence the name of the command.

Use case 1: Apply the Bentley Effect on a PGM image


pgmbentley path/to/input_file.pgm > path/to/output_file.pgm

Motivation: The Bentley Effect can transform a plain PGM image into one with a distinct artistic style. This can be useful in various applications such as graphic design, image processing, or simply as a creative exercise.


  • pgmbentley: The name of the command used to apply the Bentley Effect.
  • path/to/input_file.pgm: The path to the input PGM image file on which the effect will be applied.
  • >: The output redirection operator, which directs the command’s output to a file instead of the standard output.
  • path/to/output_file.pgm: The path to the output PGM image file where the transformed image will be saved.

Example output: The resulting image after applying the Bentley Effect will be saved in the specified output file path. This image will have a visually striking appearance with altered pixel intensities, reflecting the distinct artistic style associated with the Bentley Effect.

Conclusion: The pgmbentley command provides a simple and effective way to apply the Bentley Effect on PGM images, allowing users to enhance their images with a unique artistic style. Whether for professional purposes or personal creative expression, the Bentley Effect can add a visually striking touch to any image.

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