How to use the command pgmdeshadow (with examples)

How to use the command pgmdeshadow (with examples)

The pgmdeshadow command is a tool that allows you to remove grey shadows from PGM (Portable Graymap) images. It is part of the Netpbm package, an open-source collection of graphics editing tools. pgmdeshadow analyzes the image and removes any grey shadows present, thus enhancing the overall quality and clarity of the image.

Use case 1: Remove grey shadows from a PGM image


pgmdeshadow path/to/input_file.pgm > path/to/output_file.pgm

Motivation: When working with PGM images, there may be instances where the presence of grey shadows can affect the clarity and visibility of important details. By using pgmdeshadow, you can easily eliminate these shadows, resulting in a more visually appealing and informative image.


  • pgmdeshadow: The command itself, indicating that we want to use the pgmdeshadow tool.
  • path/to/input_file.pgm: The path to the input PGM image file from which we want to remove shadows.
  • > path/to/output_file.pgm: The redirect output operator (>) followed by the path to the output file. This saves the deshadowed image to the specified location.

Example output: Assuming we have an input file named input.pgm with grey shadows and we want to save the deshadowed result as output.pgm, running the command pgmdeshadow input.pgm > output.pgm will create a deshadowed version of the input image and save it as output.pgm. The resulting image will be devoid of any grey shadows, thus enhancing its quality and visual appeal.

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