How to use the command pgmmake (with examples)

How to use the command pgmmake (with examples)

pgmmake is a command that allows users to create a PGM image with a uniform gray level. PGM (Portable Gray Map) is a file format used for storing grayscale images. The pgmmake command generates a PGM image with a specified gray level and dimensions.

Use case 1: Create PGM image with a uniform gray level and dimensions


pgmmake graylevel width height > path/to/output_file.pgm

Motivation: The use case allows the user to create a PGM image with a uniform gray level, specified by the graylevel argument. This is useful when generating test images for image processing algorithms or creating simple visualizations.


  • graylevel: Specifies the gray level of the image, ranging from 0 to 1. A gray level of 0 represents black, while a gray level of 1 represents white. Values in between represent varying shades of gray.
  • width: Specifies the width of the generated image in pixels.
  • height: Specifies the height of the generated image in pixels.
  • path/to/output_file.pgm: Specifies the path and filename of the output file. The .pgm extension is commonly used for PGM image files.

Example output: If we run the following command: pgmmake 0.5 100 100 > output.pgm, it will create a PGM image with a gray level of 0.5 and dimensions of 100x100 pixels. The image will be saved as output.pgm. Opening the output.pgm file will display a 100x100 pixel image with a uniform gray level of 0.5.

Conclusion: The pgmmake command is a useful tool for creating PGM images with specified gray levels and dimensions. This can be beneficial for various applications, such as generating test images or creating simple visualizations.

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