How to use the command pgmtosbig (with examples)

How to use the command pgmtosbig (with examples)

This article will guide you through the use cases of the command pgmtosbig, which is used to convert a PGM image file to the SBIG CCDOPS format.

Use case 1: Convert a PGM image file to the SBIG CCDOPS format


pgmtosbig path/to/input_file.pgm > path/to/output.sbig


Converting a PGM image file to the SBIG CCDOPS format can be useful when working with SBIG CCD cameras and analyzing astronomical images. By converting the PGM image file to the SBIG CCDOPS format, you can ensure compatibility with SBIG CCDOPS software.


  • pgmtosbig: This is the command used to convert the PGM image file to the SBIG CCDOPS format.
  • path/to/input_file.pgm: This is the path to the input PGM image file that you want to convert. Replace “path/to/input_file.pgm” with the actual path to your PGM image file.
  • >: This is the output redirection operator used to redirect the command’s output to a file.
  • path/to/output.sbig: This is the path to the output file in the SBIG CCDOPS format. Replace “path/to/output.sbig” with the actual path and desired name for the output file.

Example output:

Upon running the command with the appropriate file paths, the PGM image file will be converted to the SBIG CCDOPS format and saved as the specified output file.

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