How to use the command 'phive' (with examples)

How to use the command 'phive' (with examples)

The command ‘phive’ is the Phar Installation and Verification Environment for secure PHP application deployment. It provides a convenient way to install and manage Phar files, which are PHP archives that can be executed as standalone applications.

Use case 1: Display a list of available aliased Phars


phive list

Motivation: This command is useful if you want to see a list of Phars that you have installed and their corresponding aliases. It helps you keep track of the Phars that are available for use.

Explanation: The ‘phive list’ command displays a list of all available aliased Phars. An alias is a shorter name that you can use to refer to a Phar when installing or uninstalling it.

Example Output:

Available Phars:
 - phpunit (latest)
 - php-cs-fixer (latest)
 - phpmd (latest)

Use case 2: Install a specified Phar to the local directory


phive install phpunit

Motivation: If you need to install a specific Phar to your local directory, you can use this command. This is useful when you want to use a Phar for a specific project without installing it globally.

Explanation: The ‘phive install’ command installs a specified Phar to the local directory. The argument can be either an alias or a URL of the Phar you want to install.

Example Output:

Installing phpunit...
Phar downloaded successfully.
Verifying signature...
Signature verification successful.
Phar installed to /path/to/local/directory/phpunit.phar.

Use case 3: Install a specified Phar globally


phive install phpmd --global

Motivation: Installing a Phar globally allows you to use it across all projects on your system without the need for individual installations. This is useful for commonly used Phars.

Explanation: The ‘phive install’ command with the ‘–global’ option installs a specified Phar globally. The argument can be either an alias or a URL of the Phar you want to install.

Example Output:

Installing phpmd...
Phar downloaded successfully.
Verifying signature...
Signature verification successful.
Phar installed globally as /usr/local/bin/phpmd.

Use case 4: Install a specified Phar to a target directory


phive install php-cs-fixer --target /path/to/directory

Motivation: Installing a Phar to a target directory allows you to specify a custom location for the Phar instead of the default location. This is useful when you want to organize your Phars in a specific way.

Explanation: The ‘phive install’ command with the ‘–target’ option installs a specified Phar to the target directory specified by the ‘path/to/directory’ argument. The argument can be either an alias or a URL of the Phar you want to install.

Example Output:

Installing php-cs-fixer...
Phar downloaded successfully.
Verifying signature...
Signature verification successful.
Phar installed to /path/to/directory/php-cs-fixer.phar.

Use case 5: Update all Phar files to the latest version


phive update

Motivation: Keeping your Phars up to date ensures that you have the latest features and bug fixes. This command simplifies the process by updating all Phar files installed on your system to the latest version.

Explanation: The ‘phive update’ command updates all Phar files installed on your system to the latest version.

Example Output:

Updating phpunit...
Phar downloaded successfully.
Verifying signature...
Signature verification successful.
Updated phpunit to the latest version.

Use case 6: Remove a specified Phar file


phive remove php-cs-fixer

Motivation: If you no longer need a specific Phar, you can remove it from your system. This helps declutter your system and save disk space.

Explanation: The ‘phive remove’ command removes a specified Phar file. The argument can be either an alias or a URL of the Phar you want to remove.

Example Output:

Removing php-cs-fixer...
Phar removed successfully.

Use case 7: Remove unused Phar files


phive purge

Motivation: Over time, you may accumulate unused Phar files on your system. The ‘phive purge’ command allows you to remove all Phar files that are no longer needed, freeing up disk space.

Explanation: The ‘phive purge’ command removes all unused Phar files from your system.

Example Output:

Removing unused Phars...
Phars purged successfully.

Use case 8: List all available commands


phive help

Motivation: If you’re unsure about the available commands and their usage, you can use the ‘phive help’ command to display a list of all available commands and their descriptions.

Explanation: The ‘phive help’ command lists all available commands and their descriptions.

Example Output:

Available commands:
 - install: Install a specified Phar.
 - update: Update all installed Phar files.
 - remove: Remove a specified Phar file.
 - list: List available Phars.
 - purge: Remove all unused Phar files.
 - help: Display help for commands.


The ‘phive’ command is a powerful tool for managing Phar files in PHP applications. With its various options, you can install, update, remove, and list Phars with ease. Use these command examples to make the most of ‘phive’ and streamline your PHP application deployment.

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