How to use the command photoanalysisd (with examples)

How to use the command photoanalysisd (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

The command photoanalysisd is used to analyze photo libraries for Memories, People, and scene or object-based search. It is important to note that photoanalysisd should not be invoked manually, and it is a daemon that runs in the background.

Use case 1: Starting the daemon



Motivation: We can use this command to start the photoanalysisd daemon, which will analyze photo libraries for Memories, People, and scene or object-based search. This can be useful when we want to ensure that our photo libraries are constantly being analyzed and updated.

Explanation: The command photoanalysisd starts the photoanalysisd daemon, which will continuously run and analyze photo libraries in the background.

Example output: The command will start the photoanalysisd daemon, and it will begin analyzing the photo libraries for Memories, People, and scene or object-based search. There may not be any specific output displayed when the command is run, as the daemon will continue running in the background and do its work.


In this article, we explored the use cases of the photoanalysisd command. We learned how to start the daemon, which is responsible for analyzing photo libraries for Memories, People, and scene or object-based search. It is important to remember that photoanalysisd should not be invoked manually, as it is a daemon that runs in the background.

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