How to use the command photolibraryd (with examples)

How to use the command photolibraryd (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

The photolibraryd command is responsible for handling all photo library requests. It is not meant to be invoked manually by the user. For more information about the photolibraryd command, visit .

Use case 1: Starting the daemon



Motivation: Starting the photolibraryd daemon is necessary to handle all photo library requests. By starting the daemon, users can access and manage their photo libraries efficiently.

Explanation: The photolibraryd command is invoked without any arguments. Its purpose is to start the daemon, which will enable the handling of photo library requests.

Example output: The command starts running in the background, and no output is displayed on the terminal.


The photolibraryd command is a powerful tool for managing photo library requests. However, it should only be used indirectly as it is not meant to be invoked manually by the user. By starting the daemon, users can efficiently handle their photo libraries.

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