How to use the command phpenmod (with examples)

How to use the command phpenmod (with examples)

This article provides examples of how to use the command phpenmod to enable PHP extensions on Debian-based operating systems.

Command Description

The phpenmod command is used to enable PHP extensions on Debian-based operating systems. It is a part of the PHP-Defaults package maintained by the Debian PHP Team. This command allows users to easily configure and enable PHP extensions for various PHP versions and SAPIs (Server Application Programming Interface).

The command takes various arguments and flags to specify the PHP version, SAPI, and extension to enable. It provides a convenient way to enable specific PHP extensions for different PHP configurations.

Use Case 1: Enable the JSON extension for every SAPI of every PHP version


sudo phpenmod json


Enabling the JSON extension is essential when working with JSON data in PHP. This use case demonstrates how to enable the JSON extension for all Server Application Programming Interfaces (SAPIs) and every PHP version.


  • sudo: The sudo command is used to run the subsequent command with administrative privileges.
  • phpenmod: The main command, it is used to enable PHP extensions.
  • json: The name of the PHP extension to be enabled.

Example Output:

[phpenmod] OK: enabled the json SAPI

The phpenmod command successfully enables the JSON extension for every SAPI of every PHP version.

Use Case 2: Enable the JSON extension for PHP 7.3 with the cli SAPI


sudo phpenmod -v 7.3 -s cli json


Enabling specific PHP extensions for a particular PHP version and SAPI can be beneficial to meet specific requirements. This use case illustrates how to enable the JSON extension for PHP 7.3 with the Command-Line Interface (cli) SAPI.


  • -v 7.3: Specifies the PHP version (7.3) to enable the extension for.
  • -s cli: Specifies the Server Application Programming Interface (SAPI) to enable the extension for, in this case, the Command-Line Interface (cli).
  • json: The name of the PHP extension to be enabled.

Example Output:

[phpenmod] OK: enabled the json SAPI

The phpenmod command successfully enables the JSON extension for PHP version 7.3 with the cli SAPI.


The phpenmod command is a powerful tool for enabling PHP extensions on Debian-based operating systems. It provides flexibility to enable extensions for specific PHP versions and SAPIs, helping developers meet their specific requirements. By following the examples provided, users can easily enable the necessary PHP extensions to enhance their PHP development experience.

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