How to use the command phploc (with examples)

How to use the command phploc (with examples)

PHPLOC is a command-line tool that analyzes the size and structure of a PHP project. It provides developers with information about the codebase, such as the number of files, directories, classes, methods, and lines of code. This article will illustrate various use cases of the PHPLOC command with examples.

Use case 1: Analyze a directory and print the result


phploc path/to/directory

Motivation: This use case allows developers to analyze a PHP project by specifying the path to the directory that needs to be analyzed. It provides insights into the size and structure of the project, such as the number of files, directories, classes, methods, and lines of code.


  • phploc: The name of the PHPLOC command.
  • path/to/directory: The path to the directory that needs to be analyzed.

Example output:

Directories: 10
Files: 50
Classes: 100
Methods: 500
Lines of Code (LOC): 5000

Use case 2: Include only specific files from a comma-separated list


phploc path/to/directory --names files

Motivation: This use case allows developers to include only specific files from a PHP project for analysis. It is useful when developers want to focus on analyzing a specific set of files instead of the entire project.


  • --names files: The “–names” option is used to specify a comma-separated list of files to include in the analysis. In this example, “files” is the name of the list.

Example output:

Only analyzing specified files:
- path/to/directory/file1.php
- path/to/directory/file2.php
- path/to/directory/file3.php

Use case 3: Exclude specific files from a comma-separated list


phploc path/to/directory --names-exclude files

Motivation: This use case allows developers to exclude specific files from a PHP project during the analysis. Developers may want to exclude certain files if they are irrelevant or should not be considered during the analysis process.


  • --names-exclude files: The “–names-exclude” option is used to specify a comma-separated list of files to exclude from the analysis. In this example, “files” is the name of the list.

Example output:

Excluding the specified files:
- path/to/directory/file1.php
- path/to/directory/file2.php
- path/to/directory/file3.php

Use case 4: Exclude a specific directory from analysis


phploc path/to/directory --exclude path/to/exclude_directory

Motivation: This use case allows developers to exclude a specific directory from analysis. It is useful when developers want to exclude a directory that is not relevant or should not be considered during the analysis process.


  • --exclude path/to/exclude_directory: The “–exclude” option is used to specify the path to a directory that needs to be excluded from the analysis.

Example output:

Excluding the specified directory:
- path/to/exclude_directory

Use case 5: Log the results to a specific CSV file


phploc path/to/directory --log-csv path/to/file

Motivation: This use case allows developers to log the analysis results to a specific CSV file. Logging the results to a file makes it easier to access and share the information with other team members or stakeholders.


  • --log-csv path/to/file: The “–log-csv” option is used to specify the path to a CSV file where the analysis results will be logged.

Example output:

The analysis results have been logged to:
- path/to/file.csv

Use case 6: Log the results to a specific XML file


phploc path/to/directory --log-xml path/to/file

Motivation: This use case allows developers to log the analysis results to a specific XML file. Logging the results to an XML file can be useful for further processing the data or integrating it with other tools or systems.


  • --log-xml path/to/file: The “–log-xml” option is used to specify the path to an XML file where the analysis results will be logged.

Example output:

The analysis results have been logged to:
- path/to/file.xml

Use case 7: Count PHPUnit test case classes and test methods


phploc path/to/directory --count-tests

Motivation: This use case allows developers to count the number of PHPUnit test case classes and test methods in a PHP project. It provides insights into the testing coverage of the project and helps identify areas that may require more testing.


  • --count-tests: The “–count-tests” option is used to enable counting the PHPUnit test case classes and test methods in the analysis.

Example output:

PHPUnit test case classes: 20
PHPUnit test methods: 100


The PHPLOC command provides a convenient way to measure the size and analyze the structure of a PHP project. With the various use cases illustrated in this article, developers can harness the power of PHPLOC to gain insights into their projects and make informed decisions based on the analysis results. Whether it’s analyzing specific directories, excluding files or directories, or logging the results to files, PHPLOC offers flexibility and valuable information for PHP development projects.

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