How to use the command phpspec (with examples)

How to use the command phpspec (with examples)

PhpSpec is a Behaviour Driven Development tool for PHP. It allows developers to write specifications for their classes, which define the expected behavior of the class. This article will explain how to use the command line tool phpspec for various use cases.

Use case 1: Creating a specification for a class


phpspec describe class_name

Motivation: When developing a PHP class, it is good practice to write specifications that define the expected behavior of the class. Writing specifications first helps in better understanding the requirements and ensures the code meets those requirements.


  • phpspec: The command to execute PhpSpec.
  • describe: Specifies that we want to create a specification.
  • class_name: The name of the class for which the specification is being created.

Example OUTPUT:

> phpspec describe MyClass
[PHPSpec\Example\MyClassSpec] Starting
[M] PHPSpec\Example\MyClassSpec accepts any number of arguments
[PHPSpec\Example\MyClassSpec] Finished in 0.009802s

Use case 2: Running all specifications in the “spec” directory


phpspec run

Motivation: Running all specifications in the “spec” directory allows developers to ensure that all the specifications written for their classes pass successfully. This can help in catching any regressions or bugs introduced during development.


  • phpspec: The command to execute PhpSpec.
  • run: Specifies that we want to run the specifications.

Example OUTPUT:

> phpspec run
[PHPSpec\Example\MyClassSpec] Starting
[M] PHPSpec\Example\MyClassSpec accepts any number of arguments
[PHPSpec\Example\AnotherClassSpec] Starting
[PHPSpec\Example\AnotherClassSpec] Finished in 0.010458s

Use case 3: Running a single specification


phpspec run path/to/class_specification_file

Motivation: Running a single specification file allows developers to focus on testing specific functionality or behavior of a class.


  • phpspec: The command to execute PhpSpec.
  • run: Specifies that we want to run the specifications.
  • path/to/class_specification_file: The path to the specification file that needs to be executed.

Example OUTPUT:

> phpspec run spec/MyClassSpec.php
[PHPSpec\Example\MyClassSpec] Starting
[M] PHPSpec\Example\MyClassSpec accepts any number of arguments
[PHPSpec\Example\MyClassSpec] Finished in 0.009802s

Use case 4: Running specifications using a specific configuration file


phpspec run -c path/to/configuration_file

Motivation: The ability to provide a specific configuration file allows developers to customize the behavior of PhpSpec according to their project needs. This can include changing the output format, enabling/disabling code generation, or setting up additional test runners.


  • phpspec: The command to execute PhpSpec.
  • run: Specifies that we want to run the specifications.
  • -c path/to/configuration_file: Specifies the path to the configuration file to be used.

Example OUTPUT:

> phpspec run -c phpspec.yml
[PHPSpec\Example\MyClassSpec] Starting
[M] PHPSpec\Example\MyClassSpec accepts any number of arguments
[PHPSpec\Example\AnotherClassSpec] Starting
[PHPSpec\Example\AnotherClassSpec] Finished in 0.010458s

Use case 5: Running specifications using a specific bootstrap file


phpspec run -b path/to/bootstrap_file

Motivation: Running specifications with a specific bootstrap file allows developers to perform custom initialization tasks before running the specifications. This can include setting up autoloading, loading environment variables, or configuring dependencies.


  • phpspec: The command to execute PhpSpec.
  • run: Specifies that we want to run the specifications.
  • -b path/to/bootstrap_file: Specifies the path to the bootstrap file to be used.

Example OUTPUT:

> phpspec run -b bootstrap.php
[PHPSpec\Example\MyClassSpec] Starting
[M] PHPSpec\Example\MyClassSpec accepts any number of arguments
[PHPSpec\Example\AnotherClassSpec] Starting
[PHPSpec\Example\AnotherClassSpec] Finished in 0.009762s

Use case 6: Disabling code generation prompts


phpspec run --no-code-generation

Motivation: By default, PhpSpec prompts the user for code generation during test execution. Disabling code generation prompts can save time and provide faster feedback during test executions in scenarios where code generation is not required or desired.


  • phpspec: The command to execute PhpSpec.
  • run: Specifies that we want to run the specifications.
  • --no-code-generation: Disables code generation prompts.

Example OUTPUT:

> phpspec run --no-code-generation
[PHPSpec\Example\MyClassSpec] Starting
[PHPSpec\Example\MyClassSpec] Finished in 0.009802s

Use case 7: Enabling fake return values


phpspec run --fake

Motivation: Enabling fake return values allows developers to easily stub or mock the return values of methods during testing. This can be useful for isolating specific code paths, simulating error conditions, or controlling the behavior of dependencies.


  • phpspec: The command to execute PhpSpec.
  • run: Specifies that we want to run the specifications.
  • --fake: Enables fake return values.

Example OUTPUT:

> phpspec run --fake
[PHPSpec\Example\MyClassSpec] Starting
[M] PHPSpec\Example\MyClassSpec accepts any number of arguments
[PHPSpec\Example\AnotherClassSpec] Starting
[PHPSpec\Example\AnotherClassSpec] Finished in 0.010458s


This article demonstrated various use cases of the phpspec command. PhpSpec provides a convenient way to write and run specifications for PHP classes, ensuring that the code meets the expected behavior. By using these command line options, developers can customize the test execution and enhance the testing workflow.

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