How to use the command 'pi' (with examples)

How to use the command 'pi' (with examples)

The ‘pi’ command is a specialized tool used to compute the decimal representation of Archimedes’ constant, also known as Pi (π). This mathematical constant is fundamental in various fields such as mathematics, physics, engineering, and computer science. The ‘pi’ command allows users to display a specified number of decimal digits of Pi, offer additional reading material relevant to Pi, and provides basic command utility options like help and version information.

Use case 1: Display 100 decimal digits of Archimedes’ constant Pi




This command is useful when a user wants a quick glance at the first 100 decimal digits of Pi, which might be required for mathematical calculations, educational purposes, or just for curiosity. For instance, when working on a project that needs precise circular measurements, these digits can be insightful since they represent the fixed constant value used.


The ‘pi’ command, when used without any additional arguments, defaults to computing and displaying the first 100 decimal digits of Pi. This is a straightforward execution with no requirement for extra input from the user.

Example output:


Use case 2: Display a specified number of decimal digits of Archimedes’ constant Pi


pi number


This command comes handy when a user requires a specific length of decimal digits for precision in calculations or for research purposes. For example, in academic research, when trying to calculate the gravitational forces with high precision, one might need a large number of Pi’s decimals.


The command ‘pi number’ takes an additional argument, ’number’, which specifies how many decimal digits of Pi should be displayed. The user replaces ’number’ with an integer value indicating the desired number of decimal places.

Example output:

If you run pi 10, the output will be:



pi --bibliography


This can be particularly beneficial for students, educators, or enthusiasts who are eager to learn more about the history, mathematics, and various applications of Pi. Access to recommended readings can help delve deeper into the theoretical aspects of Pi and enhance understanding.


The argument ‘–bibliography’ prompts the ‘pi’ command to present a list of suggested readings. These references are curated to provide users with further resources about Archimedes’ constant.

Example output:

1. "Pi: A Source Book" by Lennart Berggren 
2. "The Life of Pi and its Influence on Mathematics" by A. Author

Use case 4: Display help


pi --help


Using this command is crucial for new users or even seasoned ones looking to refresh their memory about the various options and functionalities provided by the ‘pi’ command. It’s an essential practice to consult the help menu to ensure correct usage and to explore all features.


The ‘–help’ argument is a standard flag used in command-line tools, which, when invoked with the ‘pi’ command, provides help documentation. This output includes usage information and explains different options available within the command.

Example output:

Usage: pi [OPTION] [NUMBER]
Compute decimal Archimedes' constant Pi...
  --help        Display this help menu.
  --version     Show program version.

Use case 5: Display version


pi --version


Knowing the version of the command you’re working with can be critical, especially when troubleshooting or confirming compatibility with other software. Developers often need to ensure they are working with the latest release to leverage the most updated features and security fixes.


The ‘–version’ flag requests the software version of the ‘pi’ command that is currently installed. Command-line tools use this to keep users informed about their application version without navigating away from the terminal.

Example output:

pi version 1.2.3


The ‘pi’ command offers a comprehensive set of tools for anyone interested in working with the constant Pi. Whether you need it for precise calculations, want to explore its bibliographical references, or require basic command-line utility functions, ‘pi’ provides straightforward solutions with easy-to-use command options.

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