How to use the command 'picard' (with examples)

How to use the command 'picard' (with examples)

Picard is a next-generation MusicBrainz tagging application that allows users to manage and organize their music library. It provides an easy way to tag music files with metadata, making it easier to search, classify, and create playlists. This article will showcase three use cases of the ‘picard’ command.

Use case 1: Start Picard



Motivation: The motivation for this use case is to open the Picard graphical user interface (GUI) and begin using the application. Starting Picard through the command line allows for quicker access to the application without navigating through menus and shortcuts.

Explanation: The ‘picard’ command is used to launch the Picard application. When executed, it opens the Picard GUI, enabling users to process and manage their music files.

Example output: The Picard GUI will open, displaying the application interface and allowing users to start working with their music files.

Use case 2: Open a set of files


picard path/to/file1.mp3 path/to/file2.mp3

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to load and process specific music files in Picard. Instead of manually adding files through the GUI, you can quickly specify the file paths as arguments in the command, saving time and effort.

Explanation: The ‘picard’ command with file paths as arguments instructs Picard to open and load the specified files into the application. This enables users to perform various operations on the loaded files, such as tagging, organizing, and identifying them.

Example output: The files specified in the command will be loaded into Picard, and their metadata will appear in the application interface. Users can then utilize the different features and tools provided by Picard to manipulate the files as needed.

Use case 3: Display the version of Picard installed


picard --long-version

Motivation: Knowing the version of Picard installed on your system can be important for troubleshooting issues, seeking support, or ensuring compatibility with other software or plugins. This use case allows users to quickly check the version without navigating through menus or settings.

Explanation: The ‘picard –long-version’ command is used to display detailed information about the installed version of Picard, including the version number, release date, and relevant system information. The ‘–long-version’ argument specifically requests additional details beyond just the version number.

Example output: Running the command will output information about the installed version of Picard, including the version number, release date, and other relevant details. This information can be used for diagnostic purposes or to verify the installed version against documentation or support resources.


The ‘picard’ command is a versatile tool for managing and organizing music files using the Picard application. It allows users to perform various tasks, such as starting Picard, loading specific files, and checking the installed version. By leveraging the power of the command line, users can streamline their music library management workflow and make the most of Picard’s features.

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