How to use the command 'picom-trans' (with examples)

How to use the command 'picom-trans' (with examples)

This article will guide you on how to use the picom-trans command to set the window opacity for the picom window compositor. picom is a lightweight compositor for X11 that provides window transparency and shadow effects. The picom-trans command allows you to adjust the opacity of specific windows to a desired percentage.

Use case 1: Set the currently focused window opacity to a specific percentage


picom-trans --current --opacity 90

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to make the currently focused window more transparent, allowing you to see what is behind it while still being able to interact with it. Adjusting the opacity for the focused window can help improve the user experience and make multitasking more convenient.


  • --current: This argument specifies that the currently focused window should be targeted.
  • --opacity 90: This argument sets the opacity of the window to 90%. Opacity values range from 0 (completely transparent) to 100 (fully opaque).

Example output: The currently focused window, such as a web browser or text editor, will now have an opacity of 90%, allowing you to see what is behind it while still being able to use it.

Use case 2: Set the opacity of a window with a specific name


picom-trans --name Firefox --opacity 90

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to adjust the opacity of a specific window, such as a web browser, terminal, or any other application with a known name. By setting the opacity of a window with a specific name, you can customize the transparency according to your preference.


  • --name Firefox: This argument specifies the name of the window that should be targeted. Replace “Firefox” with the specific name of the window you want to modify.
  • --opacity 90: This argument sets the opacity of the window to 90%.

Example output: The window with the name “Firefox” will now have an opacity of 90%, providing a customized level of transparency for that specific application window.

Use case 3: Set the opacity of a specific window selected via mouse cursor


picom-trans --select --opacity 90

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to adjust the opacity of a specific window by selecting it using your mouse cursor. This allows you to easily target any window on your desktop and modify its transparency.


  • --select: This argument tells picom-trans to select the window specified by the mouse cursor.
  • --opacity 90: This argument sets the opacity of the selected window to 90%.

Example output: When you run the command, your mouse cursor will turn into a crosshair. Click on the window you want to adjust, and it will change its opacity to 90%.

Use case 4: Toggle the opacity of a specific window


picom-trans --name Firefox --toggle

Motivation: This use case is handy when you want to toggle the opacity of a specific window between transparent and opaque. It provides a convenient way to quickly hide or reveal a specific application window.


  • --name Firefox: This argument specifies the name of the window that should be targeted. Replace “Firefox” with the specific name of the window you want to toggle.
  • --toggle: This argument instructs picom-trans to toggle the opacity of the window.

Example output: If the window with the name “Firefox” is currently opaque, running this command will make it transparent. On the other hand, if the window is already transparent, running the command will make it opaque again.


The picom-trans command allows you to adjust the window opacity for the picom window compositor. With the examples provided, you can easily set the opacity of the currently focused window, windows with specific names, or selected windows via mouse cursor. Additionally, you can toggle the opacity of specific windows, providing a convenient way to control the transparency of individual application windows.

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