Using Pint Command Line Tool to Perfect Your PHP Code Style (with examples)

Using Pint Command Line Tool to Perfect Your PHP Code Style (with examples)


Pint is an opinionated PHP code style fixer based on PHP-CS-Fixer. It automates the process of making your PHP code adhere to a specific coding style. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the Pint command line tool and how it can assist you in maintaining a consistent code style in your PHP projects.

Use Case 1: Execute Code Style Fixing




The first use case of the Pint command is to execute code style fixing. When you run the command pint, Pint will automatically analyze all PHP files in your project directory and apply code style fixes based on the predefined rules.


The pint command without any arguments will scan your project directory recursively and fix all the code style violations found. It uses the default configuration to determine the rules and fixes to be applied.

Example Output:

Fixed 5 file(s)

Use Case 2: Display Changed Files


pint -v


Sometimes, you may want to know which files were modified by Pint. Using the -v option allows you to see a list of all the files that have been changed.


The -v option stands for “verbose” and it modifies the behavior of the pint command to display additional information. When used with the command, it will output a list of all the files that have been modified during the code style fixing process.

Example Output:


Use Case 3: Execute Code Style Linting


pint --test


In some scenarios, you may want to validate your PHP code against a specific coding style without actually applying any fixes. Using the --test option allows you to execute code style linting without modifying the files.


The --test option instructs Pint to perform code style linting without making any changes to the files. It is helpful when you want to check for code style violations or inconsistencies without altering your codebase.

Example Output:

Found 10 violations

Use Case 4: Execute Code Style Fixes using a Specific Config File


pint --config path/to/pint.json


Pint offers the flexibility to use a custom configuration file. This is useful when you have a specific code style guideline for your project that deviates from the default rules.


The --config option allows you to specify a custom configuration file for Pint. The path/to/pint.json specifies the path to the JSON configuration file that contains your desired rules and settings.

Example Output:

Fixed 3 file(s)

Use Case 5: Execute Code Style Fixes using a Specific Preset


pint --preset psr12


Presets provide pre-defined sets of rules that encapsulate a particular coding standard. Using a preset allows you to quickly apply a widely accepted coding style to your project.


The --preset option configures Pint to use a specific preset. In this example, psr12 is a widely adopted coding style standard that provides a set of rules defined by the PHP-FIG standards. Pint will apply the code style fixes based on the rules defined in the selected preset.

Example Output:

Fixed 7 file(s)


In this article, we explored different use cases of the Pint command line tool and how it can help improve your PHP code style. We learned how to execute code style fixing, display changed files, perform code style linting, use a custom configuration file for code style fixes, and apply code style fixes using a specific preset. By incorporating Pint into your PHP development workflow, you can ensure consistent and maintainable code across your projects.

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