Using PlatformIO Command "pio check" (with examples)

Using PlatformIO Command "pio check" (with examples)


PlatformIO is an open-source ecosystem for IoT development with cross-platform build systems, library managers, and frameworks. One of the commands available in PlatformIO is “pio check”, which performs a static analysis check on a PlatformIO project. This command helps identify potential issues and defects in the codebase.

In this article, we will explore several use cases of the “pio check” command and provide code examples for each use case. Each example will include a motivation for using the example, an explanation of the arguments used, and an example output demonstrating the results of the analysis check.

Let’s get started!

Use Case 1: Perform a basic analysis check on the current project

pio check

Motivation: Performing a basic analysis check on the current project helps ensure that the codebase is free from potential issues and defects.

Explanation: This command performs a static analysis check on the current PlatformIO project. It analyzes the code and provides a report on any detected issues or defects.

Example Output:

[INFO] Processing ...
[INFO] Checking code style...
[WARNING] Some warnings were found. Please review them carefully.
[SUCCESS] No defects found

Use Case 2: Perform a basic analysis check on a specific project

pio check --project-dir project_dir

Motivation: Performing a basic analysis check on a specific project allows you to analyze code located outside the current directory.

Explanation: By specifying the --project-dir argument followed by the desired project directory, you can perform an analysis check on a specific project. This is useful when you want to analyze code located in a different directory.

Example Output:

[INFO] Processing project_dir...
[INFO] Checking code style...
[WARNING] Some warnings were found. Please review them carefully.
[SUCCESS] No defects found

Use Case 3: Perform an analysis check for a specific environment

pio check --environment environment

Motivation: Performing an analysis check for a specific environment allows you to focus on a particular configuration or platform within your project.

Explanation: By specifying the --environment argument followed by the desired environment identifier, you can perform an analysis check for a specific environment. This is helpful when you want to analyze code specific to a particular configuration or platform.

Example Output:

[INFO] Processing ...
[INFO] Checking code style for environment: environment
[WARNING] Some warnings were found. Please review them carefully.
[SUCCESS] No defects found

Use Case 4: Perform an analysis check and only report a specified defect severity type

pio check --severity low|medium|high

Motivation: Sometimes, you may want to focus only on specific defect severity types to prioritize your code review and bug-fixing efforts.

Explanation: By specifying the --severity argument followed by the desired defect severity type (low, medium, or high), you can perform an analysis check and only report defects of the specified severity. This allows you to narrow down the focus on more critical issues.

Example Output:

[INFO] Processing ...
[INFO] Checking code style...
[WARNING] Some warnings were found. Please review them carefully.
        Defects severity: high
[SUCCESS] No defects found

Use Case 5: Perform an analysis check and show detailed information when processing environments

pio check --verbose

Motivation: Sometimes, you may want detailed information about the analysis check process when dealing with complex projects or multiple environments.

Explanation: By specifying the --verbose argument, you can perform an analysis check and get detailed information about the processing of environments. This includes additional verbosity during the analysis check, helping you better understand the analysis progress.

Example Output:

[INFO] Processing ...
[INFO] Checking code style for environment: environment1
[INFO] Checking code style for environment: environment2
[WARNING] Some warnings were found. Please review them carefully.
[SUCCESS] No defects found


The “pio check” command in PlatformIO is a powerful tool for static analysis checks in IoT development projects. It helps identify potential issues and defects in the codebase, allowing developers to address them proactively. By exploring the different use cases of this command and understanding the provided code examples, developers can effectively leverage this command to improve the quality of their projects.

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