Using the `pio ci` Command for Building PlatformIO Projects (with examples)

Using the `pio ci` Command for Building PlatformIO Projects (with examples)

1: Build a PlatformIO project in the default system temporary directory and delete it afterwards

pio ci path/to/project


When working with PlatformIO projects, it is sometimes necessary to clone or copy an existing project to a different location for testing or remote build purposes. The pio ci command allows you to build the project in the default system temporary directory, eliminating the need to manually set up a separate build environment.


  • pio ci: The main command to build a PlatformIO project.
  • path/to/project: The path to the PlatformIO project.

Example Output:

A temporary project will be created in the default system temporary directory, and the build process will be executed. Once the build process is completed, the temporary project will be deleted.

2: Build a PlatformIO project and specify specific libraries

pio ci --lib path/to/library_directory path/to/project


In some cases, a PlatformIO project may require specific libraries that are not included in the default search paths. By using the --lib option, you can specify the directories where the required libraries are located, ensuring that they are correctly included in the build process.


  • pio ci: The main command to build a PlatformIO project.
  • --lib: The option to specify library directories.
  • path/to/library_directory: The path to the directory containing the required libraries.
  • path/to/project: The path to the PlatformIO project.

Example Output:

The build process will include the specified library directories, ensuring that the required libraries are correctly included in the project build.

3: Build a PlatformIO project and specify a specific board

pio ci --board board path/to/project


PlatformIO supports a wide range of development boards. By default, the build process will use the board specified in the platformio.ini configuration file. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to build the project for a different board. The --board option allows you to specify a different board for the build process.


  • pio ci: The main command to build a PlatformIO project.
  • --board: The option to specify a board.
  • board: The name of the board to build for.
  • path/to/project: The path to the PlatformIO project.

Example Output:

The build process will target the specified board, ensuring that the project’s code is compiled and optimized for the selected hardware platform.

4: Build a PlatformIO project in a specific directory

pio ci --build-dir path/to/build_directory path/to/project


By default, PlatformIO creates a build directory inside the project directory to store the compiled files. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to build the project in a separate directory, especially when multiple projects are being built simultaneously or when the project directory is read-only. The --build-dir option allows you to specify a different directory for the build process.


  • pio ci: The main command to build a PlatformIO project.
  • --build-dir: The option to specify a build directory.
  • path/to/build_directory: The path to the directory where the project should be built.
  • path/to/project: The path to the PlatformIO project.

Example Output:

The build process will create the necessary build files in the specified directory, keeping the project directory clean and organized.

5: Build a PlatformIO project and don’t delete the build directory

pio ci --keep-build-dir path/to/project


By default, PlatformIO deletes the build directory after the build process is completed. However, there may be situations where it is necessary to keep the build directory for further analysis or debugging purposes. The --keep-build-dir option allows you to prevent the removal of the build directory after the build process.


  • pio ci: The main command to build a PlatformIO project.
  • --keep-build-dir: The option to keep the build directory.
  • path/to/project: The path to the PlatformIO project.

Example Output:

The build process will complete as usual, but instead of deleting the build directory, it will be preserved for further inspection or future use.

6: Build a PlatformIO project using a specific configuration file

pio ci --project-conf path/to/platformio.ini


In some cases, a PlatformIO project may have a specific platformio.ini configuration file that differs from the project’s default configuration. By using the --project-conf option, you can specify the path to a different configuration file for the build process.


  • pio ci: The main command to build a PlatformIO project.
  • --project-conf: The option to specify a different platformio.ini configuration file.
  • path/to/platformio.ini: The path to the alternative configuration file.

Example Output:

The build process will follow the settings specified in the specified platformio.ini configuration file, ensuring that the project is built according to the custom configuration.

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