How to use the command 'pio device' (with examples)

How to use the command 'pio device' (with examples)

The pio device command is used to manage and monitor PlatformIO devices. It allows you to list available serial ports and logical devices, as well as start an interactive device monitor. This article will provide examples of how to use each of these functionalities.

Use case 1: List all available serial ports


pio device list


The motivation for using this example is to check which serial ports are available on your system. This can be useful when you need to connect a serial device to your computer.


The command pio device list lists all available serial ports. It provides information such as the port name, description, and hardware ID.

Example output:


Use case 2: List all available logical devices


pio device list --logical


The motivation for using this example is to list all available logical devices. Logical devices are virtual devices that are managed by the PlatformIO system.


The command pio device list --logical lists all available logical devices. These can include devices such as network interfaces or virtual serial ports.

Example output:


Use case 3: Start an interactive device monitor


pio device monitor


The motivation for using this example is to monitor the output of a device in real-time. This can be useful when debugging a connected device or observing its behavior.


The command pio device monitor starts an interactive device monitor. It displays the output of the device in real-time, allowing you to observe and interact with it.

Example output:

Device connected.
Serial output: Hello, World!
Serial output: 12345

Use case 4: Start an interactive device monitor and listen to a specific port


pio device monitor --port /dev/ttyUSBX


The motivation for using this example is to monitor a specific serial port. This can be useful when you have multiple serial devices connected and want to monitor a specific one.


The command pio device monitor --port /dev/ttyUSBX starts an interactive device monitor and listens to a specific serial port /dev/ttyUSBX. The port argument should be replaced with the actual port name.

Example output:

Device connected to /dev/ttyUSB0.
Serial output: Hello, World!

Use case 5: Start an interactive device monitor and set a specific baud rate


pio device monitor --baud 57600


The motivation for using this example is to set a specific baud rate for the device monitor. This can be useful when the device you are monitoring operates at a different baud rate than the default (9600).


The command pio device monitor --baud 57600 starts an interactive device monitor and sets the baud rate to 57600. The baud rate argument should be replaced with the desired rate.

Example output:

Device connected.
Baud rate: 57600
Serial output: Hello, World!

Use case 6: Start an interactive device monitor and set a specific EOL character


pio device monitor --eol CRLF


The motivation for using this example is to set a specific end-of-line (EOL) character for the device monitor. This can be useful when your device uses a different EOL character than the default (CRLF).


The command pio device monitor --eol CRLF starts an interactive device monitor and sets the EOL character to CRLF. The EOL character argument should be replaced with CRLF, CR, or LF depending on the device’s requirements.

Example output:

Device connected.
EOL character: CRLF
Serial output: Hello, World!

Use case 7: Go to the menu of the interactive device monitor


Ctrl + T


The motivation for using this example is to access the menu of the interactive device monitor. The menu provides additional options such as resetting the device or adjusting the monitor settings.


Pressing Ctrl + T while in the interactive device monitor will bring up the menu. From there, you can select various options to interact with the device or adjust the monitor settings.

Example output:

Menu options:
1. Reset device
2. Adjust baud rate
3. Change EOL character


The pio device command provides a convenient way to manage and monitor PlatformIO devices. Whether you need to list available ports, monitor a specific device, or adjust monitor settings, this command has you covered. By following the examples provided in this article, you can make the most of this powerful command.

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