How to use the command 'pio lib' (with examples)

How to use the command 'pio lib' (with examples)

The ‘pio lib’ command is used to manage PlatformIO libraries. This command provides various functionalities to list, search, install, update, and uninstall libraries within a PlatformIO project.

Use case 1: List installed libraries


pio lib list

Motivation: This use case is helpful to see the list of libraries that are installed in the current PlatformIO project. It can help in ensuring that the required libraries are present and up-to-date.

Explanation: The ‘pio lib list’ command simply displays the names of the libraries that are currently installed in the project.

Example output:

Library Storage: <path_to_storage>
Library 1
Library 2
Library 3

Use case 2: List built-in libraries based on installed development platforms and their frameworks


pio lib builtin

Motivation: By listing the built-in libraries, developers can discover the available libraries that are supported by their development platforms and frameworks. This can be useful for exploring new libraries to enhance the functionality of the project.

Explanation: The ‘pio lib builtin’ command lists the libraries that are built-in to the installed development platforms and their corresponding frameworks.

Example output:

Built-in Libraries
Platform: esp32
Framework: arduino
Library 1
Library 2

Platform: stm32
Framework: mbed
Library 3
Library 4

Use case 3: Search for existing libraries


pio lib search keyword

Motivation: Searching for libraries helps developers find the required libraries based on specific keywords. It allows for easily locating libraries that provide the desired functionality.

Explanation: The ‘pio lib search’ command followed by a keyword searches for libraries that match the specified keyword. The search is performed on the PlatformIO library registry.

Example output:

Search Results
Library 1
Library 2

Use case 4: Show details about a library


pio lib show library

Motivation: This use case provides detailed information about a specific library. It helps in understanding the library’s functionality, usage, dependencies, and example code.

Explanation: The ‘pio lib show’ command followed by the name of a library displays comprehensive information about that library. This includes the library’s name, version, description, keywords, authors, and example usage.

Example output:

Library: Library 1
Version: 1.0.0
Description: This library provides functionality to perform task XYZ.
Keywords: keyword1, keyword2
Author: John Doe
Example usage:

#include <Library1.h>

void setup() {
  Library1 library;

void loop() {

Use case 5: Install a library


pio lib install library

Motivation: Installing libraries allows developers to easily include external functionality in their projects. It simplifies the process of integrating existing code and accelerates development.

Explanation: The ‘pio lib install’ command followed by the name of a library installs the specified library into the current PlatformIO project. This command automatically resolves any library dependencies and ensures that the library is correctly set up.

Example output:

Library Installation
Library 1 has been successfully installed.

Use case 6: Update installed libraries


pio lib update

Motivation: Keeping libraries up-to-date is crucial for maintaining project stability and leveraging the latest features and bug fixes. Updating installed libraries ensures that the project is using the latest available versions.

Explanation: The ‘pio lib update’ command updates all the installed libraries to their latest available versions. It checks for updates in the PlatformIO library registry and downloads the updated versions.

Example output:

Library Updates
Library 1 has been updated to version 2.0.0.
Library 2 has been updated to version 1.5.0.

Use case 7: Uninstall a library


pio lib uninstall library

Motivation: Sometimes, libraries are no longer needed or need to be replaced with alternative solutions. Uninstalling libraries removes their code and associated files from the project.

Explanation: The ‘pio lib uninstall’ command followed by the name of a library removes the specified library from the current PlatformIO project. This includes removing all the related files and dependencies.

Example output:

Library Uninstallation
Library 1 has been successfully uninstalled.

Use case 8: Show PlatformIO library registry statistics


pio lib stats

Motivation: Getting statistics about the PlatformIO library registry can provide insights into the popularity and availability of libraries. It helps in assessing the community support and choosing well-maintained libraries.

Explanation: The ‘pio lib stats’ command displays statistics about the PlatformIO library registry. It shows the total number of libraries, the number of libraries for each framework, and the number of libraries published by each author.

Example output:

Library Registry Stats
Total Libraries: 5000
Number of Libraries by Framework:
- Arduino: 2000
- Mbed: 1000
- ARM: 500
Number of Libraries by Author:
- John Doe: 100
- Jane Smith: 75
- David Johnson: 50


The ‘pio lib’ command provides a comprehensive set of functionalities to manage libraries within a PlatformIO project. It covers all aspects, from listing and searching to installing, updating, and uninstalling libraries. By leveraging these capabilities, developers can easily incorporate external functionality, stay up-to-date, and make informed decisions about library usage.

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