Exploring the Powerful Features of `pio run` Command (with examples)

Exploring the Powerful Features of `pio run` Command (with examples)

1: Listing all available project targets


pio run --list-targets


When working on a PlatformIO project, it’s important to know the available project targets or tasks that can be executed. By using the pio run --list-targets command, you can quickly get a list of all the available targets in your project.


The --list-targets option is used to display a list of all project targets. This includes building, uploading, and other custom targets defined in your project configuration files.

Example Output:

Available targets for 'main':
    'build' - Build project
    'upload' - Upload firmware to the board

2: Listing all available project targets of a specific environment


pio run --list-targets --environment environment


In PlatformIO, you can have multiple environments defined in your project configuration file. Each environment may have different target options available. By using pio run --list-targets --environment environment, you can specifically see the targets available for a particular environment.


The --environment option allows you to specify a specific environment, and the --list-targets option lists all the targets available for that environment.

Example Output:

Available targets for 'environment1':
    'build' - Build project
    'upload' - Upload firmware to the board

Available targets for 'environment2':
    'build' - Build project
    'clean' - Clean project build files

3: Running all targets


pio run


Running pio run without any options will execute all the targets defined in the current environment. This command is useful when you want to build the project, upload firmware, and perform other tasks simultaneously.


By simply running pio run, PlatformIO will execute all the targets specified in the current environment. This includes building the project, uploading firmware to the board, and any other custom targets defined in the project configuration.

Example Output:

Building .pio/build/environment/firmware.bin
Uploading .pio/build/environment/firmware.bin

4: Running all targets of specified environments


pio run --environment environment1 --environment environment2


In some cases, you may want to run specific targets from different environments. By using pio run with the --environment option multiple times, you can execute targets from multiple environments.


The --environment option can be repeated to specify multiple environments. PlatformIO will then execute all the targets defined in the specified environments.

Example Output:

Building .pio/build/environment1/firmware.bin
Uploading .pio/build/environment1/firmware.bin
Building .pio/build/environment2/firmware.bin
Uploading .pio/build/environment2/firmware.bin

5: Running specified targets


pio run --target target1 --target target2


Sometimes, you may want to execute only specific targets from the available targets in your project. With pio run --target, you can selectively run certain tasks based on your requirements.


The --target option allows you to specify one or more target names that you want to run. PlatformIO will execute only the specified targets.

Example Output:

Building .pio/build/environment/firmware.bin
Uploading .pio/build/environment/firmware.bin

6: Running the targets of a specified configuration file


pio run --project-conf path/to/platformio.ini


In some cases, you may have multiple configuration files in your project, and you want to execute the targets defined in a specific configuration file. By using pio run --project-conf, you can specify the path to the configuration file and run the targets defined in it.


The --project-conf option is used to specify the path to a specific configuration file (e.g., platformio.ini). PlatformIO will read the specified configuration file and execute the targets defined in it.

Example Output:

Building .pio/build/environment/firmware.bin
Uploading .pio/build/environment/firmware.bin

By utilizing the various options and features of the pio run command, you can effectively manage and execute different targets and tasks in your PlatformIO projects. These examples provide a solid foundation for utilizing this powerful command and unleashing the full potential of PlatformIO for your embedded development needs.

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