PlatformIO Team Command Examples (with examples)

PlatformIO Team Command Examples (with examples)

In this article, we will explore different use cases of the pio team command in PlatformIO. This command allows users to manage their PlatformIO teams and perform various operations such as creating teams, adding or removing users from teams, listing teams and their members, and updating team details.

1: Creating a new team with the specified description

pio team create --description description organization_name:team_name

Motivation: This command is useful when you want to create a new team within your organization and provide a description for it. The description can help users understand the purpose or goal of the team.


  • --description: The description of the team.
  • organization_name:team_name: The name of the organization and the team.

Example Output:

Successfully created team 'team_name' in organization 'organization_name' with description 'description'.

2: Deleting a team

pio team destroy organization_name:team_name

Motivation: This command is used when you want to remove a team from your organization. Deleting a team can be necessary when a team is no longer needed or has been replaced by another team.


  • organization_name:team_name: The name of the organization and the team to be deleted.

Example Output:

Team 'team_name' in organization 'organization_name' has been successfully deleted.

3: Adding a new user to a team

pio team add organization_name:team_name username

Motivation: When you have a new user who needs access to a specific team in your organization, you can use this command to add them to the team. This allows the new user to collaborate and work on projects related to the team.


  • organization_name:team_name: The name of the organization and the team.
  • username: The username of the user to be added to the team.

Example Output:

User 'username' has been successfully added to the team 'team_name' in organization 'organization_name'.

4: Removing a user from a team

pio team remove organization_name:team_name username

Motivation: Sometimes, you may need to revoke access for a user who is no longer part of a specific team. This command allows you to remove a user from a team while ensuring that their access to team-related projects is revoked.


  • organization_name:team_name: The name of the organization and the team.
  • username: The username of the user to be removed from the team.

Example Output:

User 'username' has been successfully removed from the team 'team_name' in organization 'organization_name'.

5: Listing all teams the user is part of and their members

pio team list

Motivation: The pio team list command helps users understand which teams they are part of and view the members of each team. This can be useful when you want to verify your team memberships or check the members of other teams.

Example Output:

- team1 (organization1)
  - user1
  - user2
- team2 (organization1)
  - user2
  - user3

6: Listing all teams in an organization

pio team list organization_name

Motivation: When you want to get an overview of all the teams within a specific organization, you can use the pio team list command with the organization name as an argument. This allows you to see the list of teams and their members in the organization.


  • organization_name: The name of the organization.

Example Output:

Teams in organization 'organization_name':
- team1
  - user1
  - user2
- team2
  - user2
  - user3

7: Renaming a team

pio team update --name new_team_name organization_name:team_name

Motivation: Sometimes, the name of a team may need to be changed. By using the pio team update command with the --name option, you can easily rename a team to better reflect its purpose or any changes that have occurred.


  • --name: The new name for the team.
  • organization_name:team_name: The name of the organization and the team to be renamed.

Example Output:

Team 'team_name' in organization 'organization_name' has been renamed to 'new_team_name'.

8: Changing the description of a team

pio team update --description new_description organization_name:team_name

Motivation: When the purpose or goals of a team change, it can be helpful to update its description accordingly. The pio team update command with the --description option allows you to change the description of a team.


  • --description: The new description for the team.
  • organization_name:team_name: The name of the organization and the team.

Example Output:

The description of team 'team_name' in organization 'organization_name' has been updated to 'new_description'.

In conclusion, the pio team command in PlatformIO provides a convenient way to manage teams within organizations. With different use cases such as creating, deleting, adding or removing users, listing teams and members, and updating team details, users can effectively collaborate and organize their work in a team-based environment.

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