How to Use the Command 'pip install' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'pip install' (with examples)

The pip install command is an essential tool in the Python ecosystem, allowing developers to effortlessly manage external libraries and dependencies in their applications. With its versatile functionalities, pip install simplifies the process of integrating packages into projects, whether they are individual libraries or comprehensive collections of dependencies. Below, we delve into various practical use cases of pip install, providing a clear understanding of each scenario.

Use case 1: Install a package


pip install package

Motivation: When beginning a new project or exploring new functionalities, you often need to install a single external library to enhance your application. Whether it’s for adding new features, improving performance, or adopting best practices, installing a package is the most straightforward approach.


  • pip install: This command initiates the installation process for the specified package.
  • package: Replace this with the name of the desired Python package you wish to install. Pip will search for the package in the Python Package Index (PyPI) and install it in the current environment.

Example output:

Collecting package
  Downloading package-1.0.0.tar.gz (10 kB)
Installing collected packages: package
Successfully installed package-1.0.0

Use case 2: Install a specific version of a package


pip install package==version

Motivation: Specific version installation is crucial when your project relies on a particular version of a package, ensuring compatibility and preventing unforeseen issues. This can occur when newer versions introduce breaking changes, or when certain features are deprecated.


  • pip install: This specifies the start of the installation command.
  • package: The name of the library you wish to install.
  • ==version: The double-equals sign == allows you to specify the exact version number of the package you want to install. This ensures that the installation proceeds with the specified version.

Example output:

Collecting package==version
  Downloading package-version.tar.gz (11 kB)
Installing collected packages: package
Successfully installed package-version

Use case 3: Install packages listed in a file


pip install -r path/to/requirements.txt

Motivation: In larger projects, managing dependencies individually can be cumbersome. By using a requirements file, you can specify all the packages and their versions required by your project, allowing collaborators to set up their environments quickly and consistently.


  • pip install: Initiates the installation process.
  • -r: This flag tells pip that the subsequent argument is a file path containing a list of packages to install.
  • path/to/requirements.txt: Indicates the location of the requirements file, which typically lists each package and version on separate lines.

Example output:

Collecting package1
Collecting package2
Installing collected packages: package1, package2
Successfully installed package1-1.0.0 package2-2.0.0

Use case 4: Install packages from an URL or local file archive (.tar.gz | .whl)


pip install --find-links url|path/to/file

Motivation: Sometimes, packages are not hosted on PyPI but are available as files or on custom URLs. This is common during the development of proprietary software or when testing versions not yet released on PyPI.


  • pip install: Begins the package installation process.
  • --find-links: This option directs pip to the specified source in search of package files.
  • url|path/to/file: The URL or local filepath where the package archive is located. Replace this with the actual location where your package archive resides.

Example output:

Looking in links: url|path/to/file
Collecting package
Installing collected packages: package
Successfully installed package-1.0.0

Use case 5: Install the local package in the current directory in develop (editable) mode


pip install --editable .

Motivation: Editable mode is invaluable during the development phase of packages. It allows you to work on your package’s codebase without having to reinstall it after every change, enabling instantaneous updates and testing.


  • pip install: Indicates the initiation of installation.
  • --editable: This option installs the package in “editable mode,” linking to local source code instead of fully installing it.
  • .: Represents the current directory, implying that the package is specified by the setup script in that location.

Example output:

Obtaining file://path/to/current/directory
Installing collected packages: package
  Running develop for package
Successfully installed package


The pip install command is a powerful ally in managing Python dependencies, catering to a broad range of scenarios from single package installation to complex project setups. By understanding and applying its various use cases, developers can maintain efficient, organized, and robust Python environments tailored to project needs.

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