How to Use the 'pixi config' Command (with examples)

How to Use the 'pixi config' Command (with examples)

The pixi config command is a versatile tool designed to help users manage configuration files efficiently within the Pixi tool ecosystem. Configurations play a crucial role in determining how software behaves, and managing these configurations allows users to tailor Pixi’s functionality to meet specific requirements. This command provides multiple sub-commands to interact with the configuration file, whether a user needs to edit, list, or modify configurations.

Use case 1: Edit the configuration file


pixi config edit

There are times when users need to make changes to the configuration directly, such as adjusting environment settings or modifying presets depending on the tasks. Editing the configuration file manually allows users complete control over the settings, which can be especially useful for troubleshooting or customizing software behavior.


  • pixi: This is the base command indicating that we are using the Pixi tool, a versatile utility suite designed to manage development environments and automate various tasks.
  • config: This sub-command indicates that we are dealing with configuration-related tasks, focusing on altering or querying the configuration file.
  • edit: The action to open the configuration file in the default text editor, allowing manual changes.

Example Output:
Upon running the command, your default text editor opens, displaying the configuration file’s contents for editing. No terminal output is present unless an error occurs.

Use case 2: List all configurations


pixi config list

Understanding current configurations is pivotal before making any alterations or debugging issues. Listing all configurations provides a snapshot of how the system is currently configured, allowing users to spot discrepancies or confirm desired settings.


  • pixi: Start by invoking the Pixi tool.
  • config: Utilize configuration-related functionality.
  • list: Execute the list action to display all available configurations in the file.

Example Output:

logging: verbose
theme: dark
autoSave: true

Use case 3: Prepend a value to a list configuration key


pixi config prepend key value

Prepending values can be crucial in scenarios where a specific setting needs to take precedence over others. For instance, if a priority server address needs to be included at the start of a list of possible servers, this ensures it is attempted first.


  • pixi: Initialize Pixi tool.
  • config: Specify configuration operations.
  • prepend: Add a new value to the start of a list associated with a key.
  • key: The name of the configuration setting to be modified.
  • value: The value to add to the start of the list.

Example Output:

Prepended value to key 'servers': ['priority-server', 'existing-server1', 'existing-server2']

Use case 4: Append a value to a list configuration key


pixi config append key value

Sometimes configurations need to be updated to include additional values without disrupting the current setup. Appending values is useful when you want the newly added configuration to follow the existing items, thus maintaining order or preference sequence.


  • pixi: Utilizes the Pixi tool suite.
  • config: Targets configuration file operations.
  • append: Adds a new value at the end of a list under a specified key.
  • key: Identifies which configuration setting to alter.
  • value: The new data to append.

Example Output:

Appended value to key 'plugins': ['plugin1', 'plugin2', 'new-plugin']

Use case 5: Set a configuration key to a value


pixi config set key value

Directly setting a configuration key to a specific value is essential when you want explicit control over an option. This might include toggling features on or off, or setting up environment variables crucial for performance or security.


  • pixi: Engage the Pixi utility.
  • config: Indicate configuration tasks.
  • set: Directly assign a value to a specified key.
  • key: The target configuration key that needs modification.
  • value: The value to be bound to the key.

Example Output:

Set key 'theme' to value 'dark-mode'

Use case 6: Unset a configuration key


pixi config unset key

Situations arise where certain configurations are no longer relevant or could conflict with new settings. Unsetting a configuration key effectively removes it, thereby allowing the system to revert to default behavior for that particular setting.


  • pixi: Triggering the Pixi application.
  • config: Specifying tasks dealing with configurations.
  • unset: Command to remove the specified key from the configuration.
  • key: The configuration key that will be removed.

Example Output:

Unset key 'autoSave'


The pixi config command provides a robust mechanism for managing configuration files, offering flexibility in how configurations are managed. Whether you need to make intricate adjustments by editing, get a comprehensive overview with listing, or fine-tune individual settings with append, prepend, set, or unset, this command covers all potential needs in configuration management. Understanding these examples can help users handle their software configurations more effectively, ensuring optimal performance and customizability.

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