Using the pkg_add command (with examples)

Using the pkg_add command (with examples)

Update all packages, including dependencies

pkg_add -u


Updating all packages on OpenBSD is essential to ensure that you have the latest versions of the software installed on your system. Regularly updating packages helps to fix any known issues, improve security, and take advantage of new features.


The -u flag stands for “update” and instructs the pkg_add command to update all installed packages, along with any dependencies that may require updates as well. This command will connect to the OpenBSD package repositories and download the latest versions of the packages, replacing the current ones installed on your system.

Example output:

Updating package: package1-1.0 -> package1-1.1
Updating package: package2-2.1 -> package2-2.2
All packages are up to date.

Install a new package

pkg_add package


Installing new packages allows you to expand the functionality of your OpenBSD system. Whether it’s adding a new development library, a productivity tool, or a specific utility, the pkg_add command simplifies the process of installing packages.


By specifying the name of the package after the pkg_add command, you can download and install the latest version of that package from the OpenBSD package repositories. The package will be installed on your system, and any dependencies required by the package will also be automatically resolved and installed.

Example output:

Fetching package details from <>
Installing package: package-1.0

Install packages from the raw output of pkg_info

pkg_add -l path/to/file


The pkg_info command provides a raw output of the currently installed packages on your OpenBSD system. By utilizing this information, you can easily install the exact same set of packages on another OpenBSD system or restore the packages on the same system after a reinstallation.


The -l flag followed by the path to a file containing the raw output of pkg_info instructs the pkg_add command to install the packages listed in that file. This is useful for automating the process of installing multiple packages, as you can create a text file with the specific packages you want to install and pass it to pkg_add.

Example output:

Fetching package details from <>
Installing package: package1-1.0
Installing package: package2-2.0
All packages are successfully installed.

Remember to adapt the examples to the actual package names you’re working with and to replace path/to/file with the correct file path in the third use case. By utilizing the pkg_add command with different options, you can update packages, install new packages, and automate the installation of multiple packages based on the raw output of pkg_info.

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