How to Use the Command 'pkg_delete' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'pkg_delete' (with examples)

The pkg_delete command is a tool used in OpenBSD to manage and remove packages from your system. Packages often include software, libraries, and other components that can be installed, upgraded, or removed according to user needs. This command ensures that unnecessary components are not taking up space or potentially causing conflicts within your OpenBSD environment. Understanding the use cases of pkg_delete is essential for maintaining a clean and efficient system. Below, we explore different scenarios where pkg_delete can be effectively utilized.

Use case 1: Delete a package


pkg_delete package

Motivation for using this example:

This is the most direct and common use case for pkg_delete. Suppose you’ve installed a software package on your OpenBSD system that you no longer need, or perhaps a more efficient alternative is available. In such cases, it makes sense to remove the package to free up system resources and reduce potential security risks or conflicts that may arise from obsolete software.


  • pkg_delete is the command used to start the package removal process.
  • package is a placeholder that represents the actual name of the package you intend to delete. You need to replace package with the specific name of the package you wish to remove.

Example output:

When you run this command, you may see output similar to the following:

Deleting package: package
Reading symbols from /var/db/pkg/package...
Removing dependencies: none
Deleting files...
package removed successfully

This output indicates that the specified package has been successfully deleted from the system.

Use case 2: Delete a package, including its unused dependencies


pkg_delete -a package

Motivation for using this example:

After you delete a package, its dependencies might no longer be needed if they aren’t used by other packages. Accumulating unused dependencies can lead to clutter and wasted disk space, as well as potential package management headaches in the future. Using the -a option helps clean up these leftovers, resulting in a more streamlined and efficient system.


  • pkg_delete initiates the process of package deletion.
  • -a is an option that instructs the command to also remove unused dependencies, making the cleanup thorough.
  • package is the specific package you wish to delete along with its unused dependencies.

Example output:

Executing the command may yield an output like this:

Deleting package: package
Reading symbols from /var/db/pkg/package...
Removing dependencies: dependency1, dependency2
Deleting files...
package and unused dependencies removed successfully

This indicates that the specified package and its unused dependencies were removed, leading to a clean system state.

Use case 3: Dry-run deletion of a package


pkg_delete -n package

Motivation for using this example:

Before making any changes to your system, it’s wise to visualize the impact of those changes. A dry-run provides a preview of what would happen if you actually executed the command. It helps prevent accidental deletions or undesired system state changes, especially when dealing with complex dependency graphs or critical packages.


  • pkg_delete launches the package deletion operation.
  • -n is the dry-run option, indicating that the operation should not actually remove any packages or files but only simulate the action.
  • package represents the package you are considering deleting.

Example output:

Upon running a dry-run, you might receive an output like this:

Simulating deletion of package: package
Would read symbols from /var/db/pkg/package...
Would remove dependencies: none
Would delete files...
Dry-run: package not actually removed

This output indicates what the command would do without performing any actual deletions, offering a safe way to explore the consequences of removing a package.


The pkg_delete command is a versatile tool for managing and maintaining packages in OpenBSD. Whether you aim to remove a single unwanted package, clean up after deleted packages by removing unused dependencies, or simply preview potential changes with a dry-run, understanding and utilizing the different use cases of pkg_delete can help maintain an efficient, secure, and clutter-free system. By leveraging these use cases, users can make informed decisions and efficiently manage their OpenBSD environments.

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