pkgadd (with examples)

pkgadd (with examples)

1: Installing a local software package

To install a local software package using the pkgadd command, you can simply specify the package name as an argument.

pkgadd package


This command is useful for adding new software packages to a CRUX system. It allows you to install packages that are already available on the system or have been downloaded locally.


The pkgadd command installs the specified package onto the system. The package argument should be the name of the package that you want to install.

Example Output:

If the installation is successful, the pkgadd command will display a message indicating that the package has been installed.

Package package installed successfully

2: Updating an already installed package from a local package

To update an already installed package using a local package, you can use the -u option followed by the package name as an argument.

pkgadd -u package


Updating packages is important to incorporate bug fixes, security patches, or new features. This command allows you to update an already installed package with the contents of a local package.


The -u option in the pkgadd command stands for “update”. It tells the command to update the specified package using the contents of the local package.

Example Output:

If the update is successful, the pkgadd command will display a message indicating that the package has been updated.

Package package updated successfully


The pkgadd command in CRUX is a powerful tool for managing software packages on the system. It allows you to easily install new packages or update existing ones. By understanding the different use cases and options available with the pkgadd command, you can effectively manage your CRUX system and keep your software up to date.

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