How to use the command 'pkgfile' (with examples)

How to use the command 'pkgfile' (with examples)

The ‘pkgfile’ command is a tool for searching files from packages in the official repositories on arch-based systems. It can be used to find the package that owns a specific file, list all files provided by a package, search for executables provided by a package, and more.

Use case 1: Synchronize the pkgfile database


sudo pkgfile --update

Motivation: When using the ‘pkgfile’ command, it is important to keep the package database up to date. The ‘pkgfile –update’ command synchronizes the pkgfile database with the latest information from the official repositories. This ensures that the search results are accurate and up to date.


  • sudo: The ‘sudo’ command is used to run a command as root (superuser). It may be necessary to have root privileges in order to update the pkgfile database.
  • pkgfile: The ‘pkgfile’ command is the main command used to interact with the pkgfile tool.
  • --update: The ‘–update’ option tells pkgfile to synchronize the local package database with the latest information from the official repositories.

Example output:

Synchronizing package database...
Downloading core.db...
Downloading extra.db...
Downloading community.db...
Downloading multilib.db...
Synchronization complete.

Use case 2: Search for a package that owns a specific file


pkgfile filename

Motivation: Sometimes you may come across a file and want to know which package it belongs to. The ‘pkgfile’ command can help you find the package that owns a specific file.


  • pkgfile: The ‘pkgfile’ command is the main command used to interact with the pkgfile tool.
  • filename: Replace ‘filename’ with the actual name of the file you want to search for. The command will search for the package that owns this file.

Example output:

$ pkgfile nginx.conf

Use case 3: List all files provided by a package


pkgfile --list package

Motivation: If you need to examine the contents of a package, you can use the ‘pkgfile’ command to list all the files provided by the package. This can be useful to get an overview of what files are included in a package.


  • pkgfile: The ‘pkgfile’ command is the main command used to interact with the pkgfile tool.
  • --list: The ‘–list’ option tells pkgfile to list the files provided by the package.
  • package: Replace ‘package’ with the name of the package you want to list the files for.

Example output:

$ pkgfile --list nginx

Use case 4: List executables provided by a package


pkgfile --list --binaries package

Motivation: If you want to know the executables provided by a package, you can use the ‘pkgfile’ command with the ‘–binaries’ option. This can be useful to see which programs or commands are included in a package.


  • pkgfile: The ‘pkgfile’ command is the main command used to interact with the pkgfile tool.
  • --list: The ‘–list’ option tells pkgfile to list the files provided by the package.
  • --binaries: The ‘–binaries’ option filters the list to only show the executables provided by the package.
  • package: Replace ‘package’ with the name of the package you want to list the executables for.

Example output:

$ pkgfile --list --binaries nginx

Use case 5: Search for a package that owns a specific file using case-insensitive matching


pkgfile --ignorecase filename

Motivation: Sometimes you may not remember the exact case of the file you are searching for. The ‘–ignorecase’ option can be used with the ‘pkgfile’ command to perform a case-insensitive search for a package that owns a specific file.


  • pkgfile: The ‘pkgfile’ command is the main command used to interact with the pkgfile tool.
  • --ignorecase: The ‘–ignorecase’ option tells pkgfile to perform a case-insensitive search.
  • filename: Replace ‘filename’ with the actual name of the file you want to search for. The command will search for the package that owns this file, ignoring the case.

Example output:

$ pkgfile --ignorecase NGINX.CONF

Use case 6: Search for a package that owns a specific file in the bin or sbin directory


pkgfile --binaries filename

Motivation: If you are specifically looking for a file in the ‘bin’ or ‘sbin’ directories, you can use the ‘pkgfile’ command with the ‘–binaries’ option to search for a package that owns a specific file in those directories.


  • pkgfile: The ‘pkgfile’ command is the main command used to interact with the pkgfile tool.
  • --binaries: The ‘–binaries’ option ensures that only files in the ‘bin’ or ‘sbin’ directories are searched.
  • filename: Replace ‘filename’ with the actual name of the file you want to search for. The command will search for the package that owns this file in the specified directories.

Example output:

$ pkgfile --binaries nginx

Use case 7: Search for a package that owns a specific file, displaying the package version


pkgfile --verbose filename

Motivation: Sometimes it is useful to know the version of the package that owns a specific file. The ‘–verbose’ option can be used with the ‘pkgfile’ command to display the package version in addition to the package name.


  • pkgfile: The ‘pkgfile’ command is the main command used to interact with the pkgfile tool.
  • --verbose: The ‘–verbose’ option tells pkgfile to display the package version in addition to the package name.
  • filename: Replace ‘filename’ with the actual name of the file you want to search for. The command will search for the package that owns this file and display the package name and version.

Example output:

$ pkgfile --verbose nginx.conf
community/nginx 1.20.1-1

Use case 8: Search for a package that owns a specific file in a specific repository


pkgfile --repo repository_name filename

Motivation: If you want to limit the search for a package that owns a specific file to a specific repository, you can use the ‘pkgfile’ command with the ‘–repo’ option. This can be useful if you have multiple repositories and want to search in a specific one.


  • pkgfile: The ‘pkgfile’ command is the main command used to interact with the pkgfile tool.
  • --repo: The ‘–repo’ option restricts the search to a specific repository.
  • repository_name: Replace ‘repository_name’ with the name of the repository you want to search in.
  • filename: Replace ‘filename’ with the actual name of the file you want to search for. The command will search for the package that owns this file in the specified repository.

Example output:

$ pkgfile --repo community nginx


The ‘pkgfile’ command is a powerful tool for searching files from packages in the official repositories on arch-based systems. It can be used to find the package that owns a specific file, list all files provided by a package, search for executables provided by a package, and more. By understanding how to use the various options and arguments of the ‘pkgfile’ command, you can effectively search for and manage packages on your system.

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