How to use the command pkginfo (with examples)

How to use the command pkginfo (with examples)

The command pkginfo is used to query the package database on a CRUX system. It provides information about installed packages, their versions, the files owned by a package, the owner(s) of files matching a pattern, and the footprint of a file.

Use case 1: List installed packages and their versions


pkginfo -i

Motivation: By using this command, you can quickly get a list of all the installed packages on your CRUX system along with their corresponding versions. This can be helpful for troubleshooting or checking for updates.


  • pkginfo: The command itself.
  • -i: This flag is used to list installed packages and their versions.

Example output:

package1 1.0-1
package2 2.3-1
package3 0.5-1

Use case 2: List files owned by a package


pkginfo -l package

Motivation: When you want to know which files are owned by a specific package, you can use this command. This can be useful for identifying the files associated with a package, especially if you want to remove or modify them.


  • pkginfo: The command itself.
  • -l: This flag is used to list files owned by a package.
  • package: The name of the package for which you want to list the owned files.

Example output:


Use case 3: List the owner(s) of files matching a pattern


pkginfo -o pattern

Motivation: This command can help you determine which package(s) own certain files that match a specific pattern. This is useful when you need to find out which packages are responsible for certain files, which can aid in troubleshooting or managing dependencies.


  • pkginfo: The command itself.
  • -o: This flag is used to list the owner(s) of files matching a pattern.
  • pattern: The pattern to match against the files.

Example output:


Use case 4: Print the footprint of a file


pkginfo -f path/to/file

Motivation: By using this command, you can obtain the footprint of a specific file. The footprint includes information about the file’s size, permissions, and other attributes. This can be helpful for verifying the integrity of important files or comparing them to backups.


  • pkginfo: The command itself.
  • -f: This flag is used to print the footprint of a file.
  • path/to/file: The path to the file for which you want to obtain the footprint.

Example output:

Size: 235 KB
Permissions: -rw-r--r--
Checksum: 52a1baa23465c892


The pkginfo command provides a convenient way to query the package database on a CRUX system. It allows you to list installed packages and their versions, list files owned by a package, list the owner(s) of files matching a pattern, and print the footprint of a file. Understanding how to use these different use cases can be beneficial for managing packages, troubleshooting issues, and obtaining information about the files on your system.

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