How to use the command 'play' (with examples)

How to use the command 'play' (with examples)

The ‘play’ command is a part of the SoX (Sound eXchange) audio processing tool. It is an audio player that can play any audio file, with audio formats identified by the extension. The command provides several options, such as playing audio at a different speed or in reverse, to enhance the playback experience.

Use case 1: Play the given audio file


play audiofile

Motivation: This use case is used when you want to simply play a single audio file.


  • play: This is the command used to invoke the audio player.
  • audiofile: This is the path to the audio file you want to play.

Example output:

Playing audiofile

Use case 2: Play the given audio files


play audiofile1 audiofile2

Motivation: This use case allows you to play multiple audio files consecutively.


  • play: This is the command used to invoke the audio player.
  • audiofile1 audiofile2: These are the paths to the audio files you want to play. They will be played one after another in the order specified.

Example output:

Playing audiofile1
Playing audiofile2

Use case 3: Play the given audio at twice the speed


play audiofile speed 2.0

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to listen to an audio file at a faster playback speed, such as for transcribing or studying purposes.


  • play: This is the command used to invoke the audio player.
  • audiofile: This is the path to the audio file you want to play.
  • speed 2.0: This option increases the playback speed by a factor of 2.0, playing the audio at twice the normal speed.

Example output:

Playing audiofile at 2x speed

Use case 4: Play the given audio in reverse


play audiofile reverse

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to listen to an audio file in reverse, either for artistic purposes or to analyze the audio content.


  • play: This is the command used to invoke the audio player.
  • audiofile: This is the path to the audio file you want to play.
  • reverse: This option plays the audio file in reverse order, from end to start.

Example output:

Playing audiofile in reverse


The ‘play’ command is a versatile audio player provided by SoX. It allows you to play audio files in various formats and provides options to control the playback speed and play the audio in reverse. These features make it a useful tool for both simple audio playback and more advanced audio analysis tasks.

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