How to use the command 'pnmrotate' (with examples)

How to use the command 'pnmrotate' (with examples)

The ‘pnmrotate’ command is used to rotate PNM (Portable Any Map) images by a specified angle. It allows the user to rotate an image in a counter-clockwise direction by a given angle in degrees. Additionally, it provides options to specify the background color exposed by rotating the input image and to disable anti-aliasing for improved performance but decreased quality.

Use case 1: Rotate a PNM image by some angle


pnmrotate angle path/to/input.pnm > path/to/output.pnm

Motivation: This use case is useful when you need to change the orientation of a PNM image. For example, if you have an image that was originally captured in landscape mode but needs to be displayed or used in portrait mode, you can use this command to rotate the image accordingly.


  • ‘pnmrotate’ is the command to rotate a PNM image.
  • ‘angle’ specifies the rotation angle in degrees. A positive value rotates the image counter-clockwise, while a negative value rotates it clockwise.
  • ‘path/to/input.pnm’ is the path to the input PNM image file that needs to be rotated.
  • ‘path/to/output.pnm’ is the path where the rotated image will be saved.

Example output: The input image is rotated by the specified angle, and the resulting image is saved at the specified output path.

Use case 2: Specify the background color exposed by rotating the input image


pnmrotate -background color angle path/to/input.pnm > path/to/output.pnm

Motivation: Sometimes, when an image is rotated, the original corners may become exposed, resulting in blank spaces. To avoid blank spaces, you can use this command to specify a background color that will be exposed by the rotation.


  • ‘-background color’ is an option used to specify the background color exposed by rotating the input image. Replace ‘color’ with the desired color value or name.
  • ‘angle’ works the same way as in the previous use case.
  • ‘path/to/input.pnm’ and ‘path/to/output.pnm’ have the same purpose as described above.

Example output: The input image is rotated by the specified angle, and any newly exposed areas resulting from the rotation are filled with the specified background color.

Use case 3: Disable anti-aliasing


pnmrotate -noantialias angle path/to/input.pnm > path/to/output.pnm

Motivation: Anti-aliasing is a technique used to smooth jagged edges in images. However, it can increase processing time and memory usage. In situations where speed is more important than image quality, disabling anti-aliasing can be beneficial.


  • ‘-noantialias’ is an option used to disable anti-aliasing during image rotation.
  • ‘angle’ has the same purpose as in the previous use cases.
  • ‘path/to/input.pnm’ and ‘path/to/output.pnm’ have the same purpose as described above.

Example output: The input image is rotated by the specified angle, but without applying anti-aliasing. This may result in slightly jagged edges, but the rotation process will be faster and consume less memory.


The ‘pnmrotate’ command provides a convenient way to rotate PNM images to suit specific requirements. Whether it’s adjusting the image orientation, specifying a background color after rotation, or disabling anti-aliasing for improved performance, this command offers several options to achieve the desired image transformation. By understanding and utilizing the different use cases of ‘pnmrotate’, users can effortlessly manipulate and enhance their PNM images.

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