How to use the command pnmtoddif (with examples)

How to use the command pnmtoddif (with examples)

The pnmtoddif command is a tool that allows you to convert a PNM (Portable Any Map) image to a DDIF (DirectDraw Surface for Intermediary Files) image file. This command provides a simple and efficient way to convert between different image formats.

Use case 1: Convert a PNM image to a DDIF image file


pnmtoddif path/to/image.pnm > path/to/image.ddif


The motivation for converting a PNM image to a DDIF image file can vary depending on the specific use case. However, one common motivation is to utilize the DDIF format for its compatibility with certain applications or systems that require this format for optimal performance or functionality. By converting the PNM image to DDIF, you can ensure that the image is compatible with these systems.


  • pnmtoddif: The main command used to convert the PNM image to DDIF.
  • path/to/image.pnm: Specifies the path to the input PNM image file that you want to convert.
  • >: Redirects the output of the command to a file.
  • path/to/image.ddif: Specifies the path and name of the DDIF image file that will be created as the output of the conversion.

Example output:

If the conversion is successful, the command will not produce any output. However, it will create a new DDIF image file at the specified path, containing the converted image data from the PNM file.

Use case 2: Explicitly specify the horizontal and vertical resolution of the output image


pnmtoddif -resolution horizontal_dpi vertical_dpi path/to/image.pnm > path/to/image.ddif


In some cases, you may need to explicitly specify the horizontal and vertical resolution of the output image to ensure that it meets certain requirements or standards. For example, if you are converting an image that will be printed, you might want to set the resolution to match the desired printing output.


  • -resolution horizontal_dpi vertical_dpi: Allows you to specify the horizontal and vertical resolution of the output image in dots per inch (dpi).
  • horizontal_dpi: The desired horizontal resolution in dpi.
  • vertical_dpi: The desired vertical resolution in dpi.

Example output:

The output of this command will be the same as in the previous use case. It will create a new DDIF image file at the specified path, containing the converted image data from the PNM file. However, the resolution of the output image will be set according to the specified dpi values.

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