How to use the command pnmtojpeg (with examples)

How to use the command pnmtojpeg (with examples)

The pnmtojpeg command is used to convert a PNM image file to the JPEG/JFIF/EXIF image format. It is a part of the Netpbm package, which provides a set of powerful tools for manipulating and converting various image formats.

Use case 1: Read a PNM image as input and produce a JPEG/JFIF/EXIF image as output


pnmtojpeg path/to/file.pnm > path/to/file.jpg


The motivation behind using this example is to convert a PNM image file to the more commonly used JPEG/JFIF/EXIF image format. JPEG is widely supported by most image viewers and web browsers, making it more convenient to use and share images.


  • pnmtojpeg is the command itself.
  • path/to/file.pnm is the path to the PNM image file you want to convert.
  • > is the output redirection operator, which saves the output of the command to a file.
  • path/to/file.jpg is the path where you want to save the converted JPEG image.

Example output:

The example command pnmtojpeg image.pnm > image.jpg will read the “image.pnm” file and convert it to a JPEG image, saving it as “image.jpg” in the same directory. The output will be a JPEG image file that can be easily viewed or shared.

Use case 2: Display version


pnmtojpeg -version


The motivation behind using this example is to check the version of the pnmtojpeg command installed on the system. This can be useful when troubleshooting or ensuring compatibility with specific features or options.


  • pnmtojpeg is the command itself.
  • -version is an option that tells the command to display the version information.

Example output:

The example command pnmtojpeg -version will display the version of the pnmtojpeg command installed on the system. The output will show the version number, providing information about the installed version of the software.

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