How to use the command 'pnmtopalm' (with examples)

How to use the command 'pnmtopalm' (with examples)

The pnmtopalm command is a utility used to convert PNM (Portable Any Map) images into Palm bitmap format. This conversion is especially useful when dealing with image compatibility for Palm devices, which require a specific bitmap format. Part of the Netpbm suite, pnmtopalm offers flexibility in specifying the output file attributes such as color depth, compression, and density, which are crucial for optimizing image display in palm devices.

Use case 1: Convert a PNM image to a Palm bitmap


pnmtopalm path/to/file.pnm > path/to/file.palm

The primary reason for performing a straightforward conversion from a PNM file to a Palm bitmap is to ensure that the image can be viewed on Palm devices. Palm devices, common in the 1990s and early 2000s for personal digital assistants (PDAs), require a specific bitmap format that isn’t readily compatible with standard PNM images. By converting the PNM to Palm bitmap, users ensure compatibility and maintain visual integrity when displayed on the Palm device.


  • pnmtopalm: The command used to initiate the conversion from a PNM file to a Palm bitmap.
  • path/to/file.pnm: This specifies the path to the existing PNM image file that you want to convert.
  • >: This symbol indicates that the output should be redirected to create a new file.
  • path/to/file.palm: The destination path where the converted Palm bitmap file will be saved.

Example Output:
After running the command, a new file named file.palm will be created at the specified destination, which can then be transferred and viewed on Palm devices.

Use case 2: Specify the color depth of the resulting bitmap


pnmtopalm -depth 1|2|4|8|16 path/to/file.pnm > path/to/file.palm

Specifying the color depth is crucial for managing the quality, size, and compatibility of the image to be viewed on a variety of Palm devices. Different devices have different capabilities, and choosing the appropriate color depth (such as 1-bit for monochrome screens or 16-bit for richer color displays) ensures that the image will look its best without unnecessary data bloat.


  • -depth 1|2|4|8|16: This option allows users to specify the number of bits used for color representation in the image. Common values include:
    • 1: Monochrome
    • 2: Grayscale or simple color
    • 4: More complex grayscale or limited color palette
    • 8 and 16: Higher color depth for detailed and vivid images
  • path/to/file.pnm: Path to the original PNM file.
  • > and path/to/file.palm: As previously mentioned, these denote output redirection, saving the converted image to the specified location.

Example Output:
Selecting a color depth of 4, for instance, converts the file into a 4-bit color Palm bitmap, reducing file size while maintaining an acceptable level of image quality.

Use case 3: Choose a compression method for the resulting bitmap


pnmtopalm -scanline_compression|rle_compression|packbits_compression path/to/file.pnm > path/to/file.palm

Compression is a powerful tool to minimize storage and transfer time for images. Different compression algorithms have different strengths, with some optimized for lossless compression and others for speed or space efficiency. Using compression reduces the file size significantly without compromising the quality needed for the target device.


  • -scanline_compression|rle_compression|packbits_compression: These options determine the type of compression applied:
    • scanline_compression: Compresses each scanline independently.
    • rle_compression: Run-Length Encoding, good for images with many uniform areas.
    • packbits_compression: Another RLE variant popular in Macintosh formats.
  • path/to/file.pnm: Path to the input PNM file.
  • > and path/to/file.palm: Direct output to the target file.

Example Output:
When using rle_compression, the resulting Palm bitmap is significantly smaller in size while remaining visually identical to the original PNM image when decompressed.

Use case 4: Build a custom colormap and include it in the resulting bitmap


pnmtopalm -colormap path/to/file.pnm > path/to/file.palm

Including a colormap is vital when the display device can only support a limited palette of colors. By defining a custom colormap, users can ensure that the most important colors are used when representing the image, providing better control over the image look on devices with limited color display capabilities.


  • -colormap: This switch directs the utility to create a custom palette of colors used in the image. It ensures the output file efficiently uses the available colors.
  • path/to/file.pnm: The source PNM file for conversion.
  • > and path/to/file.palm: Denote output redirection.

Example Output:
After processing, the output Palm bitmap will be displayed with a colormap that closely matches the colors intended for display, especially useful for devices with limited color palettes.

Use case 5: Specify the bitmap’s density


pnmtopalm -density 72|108|144|216|288 path/to/file.pnm > path/to/file.palm

Density settings affect the perceived clarity and size of an image when printed or displayed on screens of varying resolutions. Specifying the bitmap density allows the user to optimize image quality in alignment with the target device’s specifications, supporting parity in physical and on-screen representations.


  • -density 72|108|144|216|288: Sets the resolution for the output bitmap. Different values are used based on the intended display or print density:
    • 72: Suitable for small displays.
    • 108 to 288: Progressively larger resolutions for devices with higher-quality screens or printing needs.
  • path/to/file.pnm: Path to the input image.
  • > and path/to/file.palm: Specifies where the final converted file should be stored.

Example Output:
Selecting a density of 144 will result in an output Palm bitmap that displays with greater clarity and detail suited for devices optimized at that resolution.


Using the pnmtopalm command allows users to effectively manage various attributes of the conversion from PNM images to Palm bitmaps. Each use case, from specifying color depth to adjusting density, emphasizes the flexibility required for optimizing images on different Palm devices. This command remains an important tool for developers and enthusiasts maintaining software and compatibility for older Palm hardware or emulation environments.

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