How to use the command pnmtoplainpnm (with examples)

How to use the command pnmtoplainpnm (with examples)

The command pnmtoplainpnm is an alias of pamtopnm -plain. It is a part of the Netpbm suite of graphic conversion tools. The command converts Portable Anymap (PAM) format images to various plain PNM formats.

Use case 1: View documentation for the original command


tldr pamtopnm


The command tldr stands for “too long, didn’t read” and provides simplified, concise documentation for various commands. By using tldr pamtopnm, users can quickly get an overview of the pamtopnm command without going through the entire official documentation.


The tldr command is followed by the command name (pamtopnm), which fetches the summarized documentation for the specified command.

Example output:


Convert PAM image format to PBM/PGM/PPM image format.

- Convert 'input.pam' to 'output.pnm':
    pamtopnm input.pam > output.pnm

- Convert to binary (plain) instead of raw (raw binary is the default):
    pamtopnm -plain input.pam > output.pnm



By using tldr pamtopnm, users can quickly access simplified documentation for the pamtopnm command and get an overview of its usage and options.

Use case 2: Convert PAM image to PNM image


pamtopnm input.pam > output.pnm


Converting PAM (Portable Anymap) format images to PNM (Portable Anymap) format images can be useful in certain scenarios where compatibility with platforms or programs that only support PNM format is required.


The pamtopnm command takes the input file (input.pam) and converts it to the specified output file (output.pnm). The > symbol is used for output redirection, which saves the converted image to the specified file instead of displaying it on the terminal.

Example output:

No specific output is shown, as the converted PNM image is saved in the output file output.pnm.


The pamtopnm command allows easy conversion of PAM format images to PNM format images, providing compatibility with platforms or programs that only support PNM format.

Use case 3: Convert PAM image to binary PNM image


pamtopnm -plain input.pam > output.pnm


Converting PAM (Portable Anymap) format images to binary PNM (Portable Anymap) format images can be useful in scenarios where plain text-based formats are not preferred due to larger file sizes or compatibility issues.


In this use case, the -plain argument is used with the pamtopnm command to convert the PAM image to binary PNM format instead of raw (default) format. The input.pam file is converted and saved as a binary PNM image in the output file output.pnm.

Example output:

No specific output is shown, as the converted binary PNM image is saved in the output file output.pnm.


By using the -plain argument, the pamtopnm command converts the PAM image to binary PNM format, allowing for more efficient storage and potentially enhanced compatibility with platforms or programs that require binary PNM format.

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