How to use the command 'podman' (with examples)

How to use the command 'podman' (with examples)

Podman is a simple management tool that provides a command-line interface for managing pods, containers, and images. It is comparable to the Docker-CLI command-line tool and can be used as a drop-in replacement for Docker. Here, we will explore various use cases of the ‘podman’ command and understand how to utilize it effectively.

Use case 1: List all containers (both running and stopped)


podman ps --all


Listing all containers, including running and stopped ones, can be helpful for management and debugging. This command provides an overview of all the containers present on the system.


  • podman ps: This command lists all running containers by default.
  • --all: This option lists all containers, including the ones that are stopped.

Example output:

ab12cd34ef56  nginx:latest      nginx -g    5 minutes ago Up 3 minutes          web_server
1a2b3c4d5e6f  busybox:latest    /bin/sh     10 minutes ago Exited (0) 5 minutes ago  echo_container

Use case 2: Create a container from an image, with a custom name


podman run --name container_name image


Creating containers from images is a fundamental operation when working with Podman. Specifying a custom name for the container allows for easier management and identification.


  • podman run: This command creates and runs a new container.
  • --name: This option assigns a custom name to the container.
  • container_name: This argument specifies the desired name for the container.
  • image: This argument specifies the image to use for creating the container.

Example output:


Use case 3: Start or stop an existing container


podman start|stop container_name


Starting or stopping containers is essential for managing their life cycle. This command allows users to control the status of existing containers.


  • podman start: This command starts a stopped container.
  • podman stop: This command stops a running container.
  • container_name: This argument specifies the name of the container to start or stop.

Example output:

Started container_name

Use case 4: Pull an image from a registry (defaults to Docker Hub)


podman pull image


Pulling images from a registry allows users to access and use them locally. By default, Podman pulls images from Docker Hub, the most popular container registry.


  • podman pull: This command pulls an image from a registry.
  • image: This argument specifies the name and tag of the image to pull.

Example output:

Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:abcd1234 to cache
Status: Downloaded newer image for image:latest

Use case 5: Display the list of already downloaded images


podman images


Having a clear overview of the images present locally can help with management and resource allocation. This command provides detailed information about the downloaded images.


  • podman images: This command lists all the downloaded images and their details.

Example output:

nginx           latest  abcd1234      5 minutes ago  69MB
busybox         latest  1a2b3c4d5e6f  10 minutes ago 4.84MB

Use case 6: Open a shell inside an already running container


podman exec --interactive --tty container_name sh


Accessing the shell inside a running container allows for executing commands and interacting with the container’s environment. This command enables users to open a shell session within a container.


  • podman exec: This command executes a command inside a running container.
  • --interactive: This option keeps STDIN open, allowing for an interactive session.
  • --tty: This option allocates a pseudo-TTY.
  • container_name: This argument specifies the name of the running container.
  • sh: This argument represents the shell to be invoked within the container.

Example output:

/ # 

Use case 7: Remove a stopped container


podman rm container_name


Removing stopped containers helps in freeing up resources and decluttering the system. This command allows for the removal of containers that are no longer needed.


  • podman rm: This command removes one or more stopped containers.
  • container_name: This argument specifies the name of the stopped container to remove.

Example output:


Use case 8: Display the logs of one or more containers and follow log output


podman logs --follow container_name container_id


Accessing the logs of containers can help in troubleshooting and monitoring. This command displays the logs of one or multiple containers, and the --follow option allows for following the log output in real-time.


  • podman logs: This command displays the logs of one or more containers.
  • --follow: This option continuously streams the log output.
  • container_name container_id: These arguments specify the names or IDs of the containers whose logs should be displayed.

Example output:

2021/07/01 10:00:01 Container container_name: Successfully started.
2021/07/01 10:01:02 Container container_id: Exited with status code 0.


The ‘podman’ command is a versatile tool that simplifies managing pods, containers, and images. By exploring the use cases mentioned above, users can gain a better understanding of its capabilities and leverage it effectively for their container-related tasks. Whether it is listing containers, creating them, pulling images, or accessing logs, ‘podman’ provides a comprehensive set of features for container management.

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