How to use the command popd (with examples)

How to use the command popd (with examples)

The popd command is used to change the current directory to the directory stored by the pushd command. This command is helpful when working with directories and navigating through different paths in the command line.

Use case 1: Switch to directory at the top of the stack



Motivation: The motivation behind using this example is to switch back to the directory at the top of the stack, which is the most recently pushed directory.

Explanation: The popd command removes the top directory from the directory stack and changes the current directory to the next directory in the stack. In this use case, no arguments are specified as we want to switch to the top directory in the stack.

Example output:


In the example output, the current directory is changed to “C:\Users\User\Documents\Projects\Stack”, which is the directory saved by the pushd command and at the top of the stack.


The popd command is a useful tool for navigating between directories stored in the stack by the pushd command. It allows users to easily switch back to previously navigated directories without manually typing the directory path.

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