How to Use the Command ppmfade (with examples)

How to Use the Command ppmfade (with examples)

The ppmfade command is used to generate a transition between two PPM (Portable Pixmap) images. This command allows you to apply various effects like mix, spread, shift, relief, oil, and more to create smooth transitions between images. By providing different arguments, you can control the start and end images, as well as the effect applied to the transition.

Use case 1: Generate a transition between two PPM images

ppmfade -f path/to/image1.ppm -l path/to/image2.ppm -mix|spread|shift|relief|oil|...

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to create a smooth transition between two different PPM images. For example, if you have two images captured at different times and you want to create a fading effect from one image to another, the ppmfade command can be used.


  • -f path/to/image1.ppm: Specifies the path to the first PPM image (image1.ppm).
  • -l path/to/image2.ppm: Specifies the path to the second PPM image (image2.ppm).
  • -mix|spread|shift|relief|oil|...: Specifies the effect to be applied to the transition. You can choose from various effects like mix, spread, shift, relief, oil, and more.

Example Output: This command will generate a transitional sequence of images from image1.ppm to image2.ppm using the specified effect.

Use case 2: Generate a transition starting with the specified image and ending in a solid black image

ppmfade -f path/to/image.ppm -mix|spread|shift|relief|oil|...

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to create a fading effect from a specific PPM image to a solid black image. This can be useful for various artistic purposes, such as creating a fade-out effect.


  • -f path/to/image.ppm: Specifies the path to the starting PPM image.
  • -mix|spread|shift|relief|oil|...: Specifies the effect to be applied to the transition.

Example Output: This command will generate a transitional sequence of images starting from the specified image and gradually fading into a solid black image.

Use case 3: Generate a transition starting with a solid black image and ending with the specified image

ppmfade -l path/to/image.ppm -mix|spread|shift|relief|oil|...

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to create a fading effect from a solid black image to a specific PPM image. It can be used for various effects, such as fade-ins or transitions from a blank screen.


  • -l path/to/image.ppm: Specifies the path to the ending PPM image.
  • -mix|spread|shift|relief|oil|...: Specifies the effect to be applied to the transition.

Example Output: This command will generate a transitional sequence of images starting from a solid black image and gradually fading into the specified image.

Use case 4: Store the resulting images with increasing numbers in the filenames

ppmfade -f path/to/image1.ppm -l path/to/image2.ppm -mix|spread|shift|relief|oil|... -base base

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to store the resulting transitional images with unique filenames for further processing or analysis. By including the -base argument, you can specify a base filename for the resulting images, and they will be named with increasing numbers appended to the base.


  • -f path/to/image1.ppm: Specifies the path to the first PPM image.
  • -l path/to/image2.ppm: Specifies the path to the second PPM image.
  • -mix|spread|shift|relief|oil|...: Specifies the effect to be applied to the transition.
  • -base base: Specifies the base filename for the resulting images.

Example Output: This command will generate a transitional sequence of images from image1.ppm to image2.ppm using the specified effect and store them as base0000.ppm, base0001.ppm, base0002.ppm, and so on.


The ppmfade command is a powerful tool for creating smooth transitions between PPM images. By specifying different images and effects, you can achieve various visual effects like fading, spreading, shifting, and more. Additionally, the ability to store the resulting images with unique filenames provides flexibility for further processing or analysis. Experiment with different images and effects to unleash your creativity and bring your visuals to life.

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