How to use the command ppmpat (with examples)

How to use the command ppmpat (with examples)

The ppmpat command is used to produce a PPM (Portable Pixmap) image with a specific pattern. With this command, you can create various patterns such as gingham, madras, tartan, camo, and more. You can specify the dimensions of the image and save it to a file.

Use case 1: Produce a PPM file of the specified pattern with the specified dimensions


ppmpat -gingham2|gingham3|madras|tartan|poles width height > path/to/file.ppm

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to create a PPM image with a specific pattern for various purposes like graphic design, textile design, or other creative projects.


  • ppmpat: The command to generate a PPM image with a pattern.
  • -gingham2|gingham3|madras|tartan|poles: The pattern options you can choose from. gingham2 and gingham3 represent gingham patterns with 2 and 3 colors respectively. madras generates a madras pattern. tartan generates a tartan pattern. poles generates an image with vertical stripes.
  • width: The width of the generated image in pixels.
  • height: The height of the generated image in pixels.
  • > path/to/file.ppm: The path and filename where you want to save the generated PPM image.

Example output:

ppmpat -gingham2 400 400 > pattern.ppm

In this example, a gingham pattern with 2 colors will be created. The width and height of the image are both set to 400 pixels. The generated PPM image will be saved as pattern.ppm in the current directory.

Use case 2: Produce a PPM file of a camo pattern using the specified colors


ppmpat -camo -color color1,color2,... width height > path/to/file.ppm

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to create a PPM image with a camouflage pattern using your own set of colors. It can be used for design projects, digital art, or customization purposes.


  • ppmpat: The command to generate a PPM image with a pattern.
  • -camo: Specifies that the camouflage pattern should be generated.
  • -color color1,color2,...: The colors you want to use in the camouflage pattern. Separate multiple colors with commas.
  • width: The width of the generated image in pixels.
  • height: The height of the generated image in pixels.
  • > path/to/file.ppm: The path and filename where you want to save the generated PPM image.

Example output:

ppmpat -camo -color 00FF00,FFFF00,000000 400 400 > camouflage.ppm

In this example, a camouflage pattern will be created using the specified colors: 00FF00 (green), FFFF00 (yellow), and 000000 (black). The width and height of the image are both set to 400 pixels. The generated PPM image will be saved as camouflage.ppm in the current directory.


The ppmpat command is a versatile tool for generating PPM images with various patterns. It allows you to create gingham, madras, tartan, and camo patterns by specifying the desired dimensions and colors. Whether you need them for design, art, or other creative purposes, this command provides a simple way to generate patterned images.

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