How to use the command ppmrainbow (with examples)

How to use the command ppmrainbow (with examples)

ppmrainbow is a command that generates a rainbow consisting of specified colors. It is a part of the Netpbm package and is mainly used for creating aesthetic visualizations or for adding colorful effects to images. The different use cases of ppmrainbow allow users to customize the output rainbow based on their requirements such as color selection, size, and repetition.

Use case 1: Generate a rainbow consisting of the specified colors


ppmrainbow color1 color2 ... > path/to/output_file.ppm

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to create a rainbow with specific colors. You can specify the colors by providing their names or RGB values. It allows for customization and enables you to create unique visualizations or add specific color schemes to images.

Explanation: The command starts with “ppmrainbow” followed by the colors you want to include in the rainbow. Each color can be specified either by name (e.g., red, blue, green) or by RGB value (e.g., 255 0 0 for red). You can include as many colors as you want by separating them with a space. The output of the command is redirected to the specified file path in PPM format.

Example output: Let’s say we want to create a rainbow consisting of three colors: red, green, and blue. We would use the following command:

ppmrainbow red green blue > rainbow.ppm

The command generates a rainbow with the specified colors and saves it as “rainbow.ppm” in the specified location.

Use case 2: Specify the size of the output in pixels


ppmrainbow -width width -height height color1 color2 ... > path/to/output_file.ppm

Motivation: This use case allows you to specify the dimensions (width and height) of the output rainbow. It is useful when you need a rainbow of a particular size to fit as part of a larger image or when you want to ensure consistency in size across multiple visualizations.

Explanation: In addition to specifying the colors, you can include the options “-width” and “-height” to set the width and height of the output rainbow, respectively. Replace “width” and “height” with the desired pixel dimensions. The rest of the command is the same as in use case 1.

Example output: Let’s say we want to create a rainbow of width 800 pixels and height 400 pixels with colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. We would use the following command:

ppmrainbow -width 800 -height 400 red orange yellow green blue purple > rainbow.ppm

The output rainbow will have the specified dimensions and will consist of the specified colors.

Use case 3: End the rainbow with the last color specified, do not repeat the first color


ppmrainbow -norepeat color1 color2 ... > path/to/output_file.ppm

Motivation: By default, ppmrainbow will repeat the first color at the end of the rainbow to create a seamless loop. However, in certain cases, you may want the rainbow to end with the last color without repeating the first color. This use case allows you to achieve that.

Explanation: Include the option “-norepeat” at the beginning of the command to indicate that the first color should not be repeated at the end. The rest of the command remains the same as in use case 1.

Example output: Let’s say we want to create a rainbow consisting of four colors: red, orange, yellow, and green, but without repeating the first color. We would use the following command:

ppmrainbow -norepeat red orange yellow green > rainbow.ppm

The resulting rainbow will start with red and end with green, without repeating red at the end.


The ppmrainbow command is a versatile tool for generating beautiful rainbows with customizable colors, sizes, and repetition. It can be used for various purposes such as creating visualizations, adding colorful effects to images, or simply for aesthetic purposes. The different use cases provide flexibility and allow users to create unique rainbows based on their requirements.

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