How to use the command ppmtoacad (with examples)

How to use the command ppmtoacad (with examples)

The ppmtoacad command is a utility that allows you to convert PPM images to AutoCAD databases or slides. It is a useful tool for architects, designers, and engineers who need to incorporate PPM images into their AutoCAD projects.

Use case 1: Convert a PPM image to an AutoCAD slide


ppmtoacad path/to/file.ppm > path/to/file.acad

Motivation: One common use case for ppmtoacad is to convert a PPM image to an AutoCAD slide. This can be useful when you want to display a PPM image within an AutoCAD project or presentation.


  • ppmtoacad: The command itself.
  • path/to/file.ppm: The path to the PPM image file that you want to convert.
  • >: Redirects the output of the command to a file.
  • path/to/file.acad: The path and name of the output file, which will be in AutoCAD slide format.

Example output: The PPM image will be converted to an AutoCAD slide and saved as path/to/file.acad.

Use case 2: Convert a PPM image to an AutoCAD binary database import file


ppmtoacad -dxb path/to/file.ppm > path/to/file.dxb

Motivation: Another use case for ppmtoacad is to convert a PPM image to an AutoCAD binary database import file. This can be useful when you need to import the PPM image into an AutoCAD project for further manipulation or editing.


  • -dxb: This option tells ppmtoacad to output the converted image in AutoCAD binary database (DXB) format.
  • path/to/file.ppm: The path to the PPM image file that you want to convert.
  • >: Redirects the output of the command to a file.
  • path/to/file.dxb: The path and name of the output file, which will be in AutoCAD DXB format.

Example output: The PPM image will be converted to an AutoCAD binary database import file and saved as path/to/file.dxb.

Use case 3: Restrict the colors in the output to 8 RGB shades


ppmtoacad -8 path/to/file.ppm > path/to/file.dxb

Motivation: In some cases, you may want to reduce the number of colors in the output image to save memory or achieve a specific visual effect. By restricting the colors to 8 RGB shades, you can simplify the image while still conveying the necessary information.


  • -8: This option tells ppmtoacad to restrict the output image to 8 RGB shades.
  • path/to/file.ppm: The path to the PPM image file that you want to convert.
  • >: Redirects the output of the command to a file.
  • path/to/file.dxb: The path and name of the output file, which will be in AutoCAD DXB format.

Example output: The PPM image will be converted to an AutoCAD binary database import file with only 8 RGB shades and saved as path/to/file.dxb.


The ppmtoacad command is a versatile tool for converting PPM images to AutoCAD databases or slides. By using different options, you can customize the output format and colors to suit your specific needs. Whether you need to incorporate PPM images into your AutoCAD project or manipulate them further, ppmtoacad provides a simple and efficient solution.

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